Automate shrink database in Azure SQL by August 19, 2024 written by August 19, 2024 0 comment 20 views 20 Shrinking a database is generally not recommended, but there may be cases where it is necessary to meet customer requirements. This document aims to simplify the process and provide guidance on how to automate the shrink operation when necessary. If your data files grow beyond their original size due to routine application operations, shrinking them is generally not recommended. For more information – Managing Database File Space – Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn .explanation############################################## ##### ########################################### ########### This script is used to shrink the database files of a SQL Server database.# The script shrinks the data files of the specified database to free space on the target.# The script shrinks data files in 128MB chunks until it reaches the target free space, and after two successful runs it increases the chunk size by 64MB.# If the shrink operation exceeds the MaxRunTimeMinutes value, the script reduces the chunk size by 10%.# The script calculates the free space on the target by adding a 30% buffer to the used space. # Disclaimer: This script is provided AS IS, with no warranties or support. Use it at your own risk. # Before running this script, test it in a non-production environment and consider the impact of the upgrade on your database and applications. <# .SYNOPSIS ############################################################################################################## .DESCRIPTION ############################################################################################################## # This script is used to shrink the database files for a SQL Server database. # The script will shrink the data files for the specified database to the target free space. # The script will shrink the data files in chunks of 128 MB until the target free space is reached and increase the chunk size by 64 MB after 2 successful runs. # The script will reduce the chunk size by 10% if the shrink operation exceeds the MaxRunTimeMinutes value. # The script will calculate the target free space by adding 30% buffer to the used space. .PARAMETER ServerName Parameter description of the server name .PARAMETER DatabaseName Parameter description of the database name .PARAMETER Username Parameter description of the username .PARAMETER Password Parameter description of the password .PARAMETER TargetFreeMB Parameter description .PARAMETER InitialShrinkIncrementMB Parameter description Initial shrink increment in MB .PARAMETER ShrinkIncrementInMB Parameter description subsequent shrink increment in MB .PARAMETER SuccessfulRunCount Parameter description the number of successful runs before increasing the shrink increment .PARAMETER MaxRunTimeMinutes Parameter description the maximum run time in minutes for the shrink operation .EXAMPLE An example of how to use this function Shrink-SqlDatabase -ServerName "ServerName" -DatabaseName "DatabaseName" -Username "Username" -Password "Password" An example of how to store the output in text file. Shrink-SqlDatabase -ServerName 'localhost' -DatabaseName 'WideWorldImporters' -Username 'userid' -Password 'password' >> c:\temp\shrink.log .NOTES General notes #> function Shrink-SqlDatabase{ param ( [string]$ServerName, [string]$DatabaseName, [string]$Username, [string]$Password, [int]$TargetFreeMB = 0, [int]$InitialShrinkIncrementMB = 128, [int]$ShrinkIncrementInMB = 64, [int]$SuccessfulRunCount = 2, [int]$MaxRunTimeMinutes = 15, [int]$Sleeptaskseconds = 15, [float]$BufferSpace = 0.2 ) function Open-ConnectionAsync { param ( [string]$connectionString, [int]$maxAttempts ) $attempts = 1 while ($attempts -le $maxAttempts) { try { $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $connection.ConnectionString = "$connectionString;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" # $connection.ConnectionTimeout = 0 $openTask = $connection.OpenAsync() Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 if ( $openTask.IsFaulted) { $openTask.Wait() } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 30 if ($openTask.IsCompleted) { if (-not $openTask.IsFaulted -and -not $openTask.IsCanceled) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Connection established successfully." return $connection } } } catch { $attempts++ $ConnectionerrorMessage = $openTask.Exception.InnerException.Message Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Error establishing connection: $ConnectionerrorMessage Retrying in $backoffTime milliseconds..." break } } Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Maximum connection attempts reached. Could not establish connection. $ConnectionerrorMessage" return $null } function Resiliency-Check { param ( [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand]$command ) if ($command -eq $null -or $command.Connection -eq $null) { Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Command or connection object is null. Exiting..." write-host "CommandObject: $command Connection Object: $command.Connection" return $false } return $true } function Execute-QueryAsync { param ( [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection]$connection, [string]$query, [int]$queryNumber, [int]$maxAttempts ) for ($i = 1; $i -le $maxAttempts; $i++) { $queryTimer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() try { $command = $connection.CreateCommand() $command.CommandText = $query Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Attempt $i to execute Query $queryNumber..." ##Command timeout is set to 0 to avoid timeout issues $command.CommandTimeout = 0 $openTask = $command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync() Start-Sleep -Seconds 5 if ( $openTask.IsFaulted) { $openTask.Wait() } while (-not $openTask.IsCompleted) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $Sleeptaskseconds #frequency to check the task status } ##Validate command and connection object are still valid if (-not (Resiliency-Check -command $command)) { write-host "ResiliencyCheck" $command return } if (-not $openTask.IsFaulted -and -not $openTask.IsCanceled) { $queryTimer.Stop() Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Query $queryNumber, attempt $($i) executed successfully. Execution time: $($queryTimer.Elapsed.ToString())" return } else { $openTask.Wait() # To throw the exception explicitly } } catch { $queryTimer.Stop() $errorMessage = $openTask.Exception.InnerException.Message Write-Host "$(Get-Date) - Error executing query $queryNumber, attempt $($i): $errorMessage. Execution time: $($queryTimer.Elapsed.ToString())" break } } } $exceptionOccurred = $false try { $Connection = Open-ConnectionAsync -connectionString "Server = $ServerName; Database = $DatabaseName; User ID = $Username; Password = $Password;" -maxAttempts 1 if ($Connection -eq $null) { Write-Host "Failed to establish a connection. Exiting..." return } $QueryFiles = "SELECT name, size/128 AS AllocatedMB, FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed')/128.0 AS UsedMB FROM sys.database_files WHERE type_desc="ROWS";" $CommandFiles = $Connection.CreateCommand() $CommandFiles.CommandText = $QueryFiles $Files = $CommandFiles.ExecuteReader() while ($Files.Read() -and -not $exceptionOccurred) { $DBFileName = $Files["name"] $AllocatedMB = $Files["AllocatedMB"] $UsedMB = $Files["UsedMB"] $TargetFreeMB = ($UsedMB + ($UsedMB * $BufferSpace)) Write-Output "AllocatedMB: $AllocatedMB" Write-Output "UsedMB: $UsedMB" Write-Output "TargetFreeMB: $TargetFreeMB" if ($AllocatedMB -gt $TargetFreeMB) { $Files.Close() $successfulRuns = 0 while ($AllocatedMB -gt $TargetFreeMB -and -not $exceptionOccurred) { $SizeReduced = 0 $NewTargetSizeMB = [math]::Max($AllocatedMB - $InitialShrinkIncrementMB, $TargetFreeMB) # Calculate the percentage of free space left $PercentFreeSpaceLeft = ($AllocatedMB - $TargetFreeMB) / $AllocatedMB * 100 Write-Output ("Percent Free Space Left: {0:N2}%" -f $PercentFreeSpaceLeft) try { $shrinkStartTime = Get-Date Write-Output "ShrinkStartTime: $shrinkStartTime" # Construct the DBCC SHRINKFILE command with the new target size $QueryShrink = "DBCC SHRINKFILE ('$DBFileName', $NewTargetSizeMB) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;" # $QueryShrink = "EXEC dbo.SampleLongRunningProcedure" Execute-QueryAsync -connection $Connection -query $QueryShrink -queryNumber 1 -maxAttempts 1 $elapsedTime = (Get-Date) - $shrinkStartTime $elapsedMinutes = $elapsedTime.TotalMinutes Write-Output "Elapsed Time in Minutes: $elapsedMinutes" # Calculate the percentage left to reach the target free space after each run # $PercentageLeft = ($AllocatedMB - $TargetFreeMB) / $AllocatedMB * 100 # Write-Host "Percentage left to reach target free space: $PercentageLeft%" if ($elapsedMinutes -gt $MaxRunTimeMinutes) { Write-Output "Max duration exceeded. Reducing InitialShrinkIncrementMB by 10%." $InitialShrinkIncrementMB = [math]::Max(1, [math]::Round($InitialShrinkIncrementMB * 0.9)) $SizeReduced++ Write-Output "Reducing InitialShrinkIncrementMB by 10%: $InitialShrinkIncrementMB" } } catch { $exceptionOccurred = $true Write-Output "Error during shrink: $_" break # Exit the while loop on exception } $QuerySize = "SELECT size/128 FROM sys.database_files WHERE name="$DBFileName";" $CommandSize = $Connection.CreateCommand() $CommandSize.CommandText = $QuerySize $AllocatedMB = $CommandSize.ExecuteScalar() $QueryUsed = "SELECT FILEPROPERTY('$DBFileName', 'SpaceUsed')/128.0;" $CommandUsed = $Connection.CreateCommand() $CommandUsed.CommandText = $QueryUsed $UsedMB = $CommandUsed.ExecuteScalar() Write-Output "NewTargetSizeMB: $NewTargetSizeMB" $successfulRuns++ Write-Output "Successful Run #$successfulRuns" $shrinkEndTime = Get-Date Write-Output "shrinkEndTime: $shrinkEndTime" $shrinkTotalTime = $shrinkEndTime - $shrinkStartTime Write-Output "shrinkTotalTime: $shrinkTotalTime" if ($successfulRuns -eq $SuccessfulRunCount -and $SizeReduced -eq 0) { $InitialShrinkIncrementMB = [math]::Round($InitialShrinkIncrementMB + $ShrinkIncrementInMB) Write-Output "Increasing InitialShrinkIncrementMB by $ShrinkIncrementInMB : $InitialShrinkIncrementMB" $successfulRuns = 0 # Reset the successful runs counter } if ($AllocatedMB -le $TargetFreeMB) { break # Exit the while loop if the target size is reached } } $Files = $CommandFiles.ExecuteReader() } } } catch { # Handle the exception at the higher level $exceptionOccurred = $true Write-Host "Exception occurred: $_" } finally { # Close the connection if ($Connection -ne $null) { $Connection.Close() } } } Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post **SEO Title:** How to Fix “530-User Cannot Log In, Home Directory Inaccessible” Error in FTP User Isolation next post HLS Copilot Snacks Copilot for Service for Member Service Contact Center You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.