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Um Guia Passo a Passo

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Canal do’s Comunidade has no final control over Azure Static Web Apps. Youtube – Microsoft Azure Developerfoi demonstrates the application of Recuperation via the RAG (Recuperation) utility. Azure Static Web App Io App space.

The event was hosted by: Diraz Bandaruthe Product Manager is working on Azure Static Web Apps at Microsoft. Dheeraj contacts with a participation Skyler HadleyFor example, I am a Senior Manager of Apps Spaces at Microsoft.

Skyler presents a real-world example of integrated services for implementing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. Compare descriptions of all situations at once, over a period of time, and learn more about architectural applications.

Of course, before launching a new service, we must do our best to meet the requirements of modern applications.

Including, se você desejaassisir ao evento na íntegra, poderá acessar o link abaixo:

What are App Spaces?

App space an intelligent service designed to simplify the creation and generation of web applications. To determine the correct service ID for your Azure application, check out Azure’s experience to simplify the process.

App space Learn about the benefits of implanting services that exist on Azure. Azure Container App E Azure Static Web Appcom uma experiência focada no desen volvimento eimplantação de forma simplificada e rápida.



App space é a maneira mais rápida de implantar e gerenciar suas cargas de trabalho de aplicativos inteligentes, sem ser um especialista em nuvem.

O que é Geraçaõ Aumentada por Recuperação(RAG)?

Aumentada increase by RAG (Recuperação) On the technical side, it is possible to combine external information recovery with response information for a language model (LLM).

Essa abordagem allows questions to be asked in the context of the IA model and provides answers to relevant questions. In no case can it be applied, it can utilize the bank of the father contained in the document and embedding, and it can recover information efficiently and contextually.

Primeiro, alguns conceitos básicos sobre RAG

You can not publish on the internet using LLM (Language Model) with ChatGPT. They are the respondents who perguntas relacionadas aos Dados nos quais foram treinados. No, you do not need to do Dados public enough as needed.

The method based on the answer can be simply explained according to the personal information or the way of disclosure of the father. The problem solving method for Geração Aumentada of RAG (Recuperação) will help you to check the LLM answer using IA.

How does RAG work?

RAG is the path that leads to your Dads with your LLM for specific respostas aos your Dads. Here is the current most frequently used method: Check the base used to use Dad’s weapon. Usually, you combine the results for the contact and the LLM to answer the prompt (explain the description of the IA model or how to build a machine). This is the illustration in the original form.

Image representing the Fluxo de Trabalho of RAG:


Yes, I recomendo a leitura do artigo Aumentada increase by RAG (Recuperação).

Nevertheless, Skyler presented the architectural application of the RAG series. Well, the frontend React, well, the backend FastAPI, well, the Banco de Dados Betoriale. These components are a work in progress for a complete and integrated solution. Finally, the details of the functionality of these components.

A seguir, detalharei cada um desses component.

Frontend com React

To apply the app to the O frontend React e faz is in the backend Fast API para buscar and armazenar embedding em um banco de Dados vetorial (quadrant) The interface allows you to check and visualize the system’s answers.

Backend using FastAPI

The backend provides responses for basic functions.

  1. Embedding and armazenar embeddings: Leverage the OpenAI embedding API to share information about text and documents.

  2. Retrieved answer: Busca embedding is not related to the data and utilization of Dad’s Room and is based on the answer-based embedding for OpenAI GPT-4.

Run app.png

Banco de Dados Vetorial

How to use the application quadrantwell, the vector of Banco de Dados allows to arm and recover efficient embeddings in the form. The quadrant é uma solution scale and all the desempenho for the applications that require and recover informationações can contact the user for related information.

Implementing RAG Applications

Initial setup

Accessing App Spaces without a portal allows you to select a new application ‘space’ from Azure. Check out our repository for templates for GitHub or RAG Apps. Configure it with a variety of surrounding environment requirements, including the ability to perform OpenAI on your API.


Frontend transplant

O The front-end application is not an application for ported React. Azure Static Web App. Of course, configure your GitHub repository and define your application directory. Azure Static Web Apps automatically runs a CI/CD pipeline to port your application.


Backend transplant and configuration configuration

O backend has FastAPI built-in. Azure Container App No Azure. You need to recover and respond to the data to collect it and manipulate it as a requirement to enhance the embedding.


RAG application demonstration

  • Fazendo Perguntas and Recebendo Respostas: Generally familiar with front-end tasks, useful for handling bus vehicle embeddings and back-end processes required to leverage GPT-4 at OpenAI.


This app allows you to access repositories on GitHub without any events. Appspace lagapp

inclusive, Julia Muiruriwhich is Developer Advocate from Microsoft, There are no videos for the application at all. You can get support or video:

Gerenciamento e Extensibiridade

App Spaces supports new application components, provides new frontends or integration services, and provides an interface for log visualization, instrumentation, and configuration of environment variables in an intuitive format.

If you are interested in language independent programming for the backend, you will need a way to port apps to App Spaces and deploy them. We cover Python, .NET, Node.js, Java, Go, and more, and do an excellent job of building apps in App Spaces.

Check out examples of applications for programs in other languages. You can access the GitHub repository. app-space-sample.


And I recommend testing it on App Spaces! Você pode is available for free in full format. Ace Agora: Aqui Or click on the image you want to see:

Try it now.png


There is no co-management for Azure Static Web Apps and we provide applications for Geração Aumentada using RAG (Recuperação) to leverage Azure Static Web Apps and App Spaces. Explore the architecture of the application, configure the necessary components, implement a real solution in the context of the IA model, and accurately check the response to the relevant items.

Lembrando que você poder rever o evento na íntegra, acessando o link abaixo:

Microsoft Reactor YouTube Channel

Are you talking about a diverse and general community of technologies and software? No! Então, você precisa conhecer o Microsoft reactor.

Here is information about online events, presentations, workshops, meetings and various events. Access or link to the official page Microsoft reactor e inscreva-se no canal para ficar por dentro de tudo que acontece na comunidade.


Additional Resources

Are you using App Spaces? How can you simplify your web services and simplify your applications? Or do you need a hands-on tutorial on using your applications in App Spaces?

Deixarei abaixo alguns connects the exploration of App Spaces with the exploration of modern applications.

Espero que tenha gostado do artigo e que ele tenha sido útil para você. Se tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, não hesite em deixar um commentário abaixo.

Coming soon! :cool:

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