Transition from VNET integration to public access or Private Link using the Azure CLI by October 1, 2024 written by October 1, 2024 0 comment 12 views 12 You can switch. Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server From using VNET integration (private access) to seamlessly using public access or private links without having to change server names or migrate data, we simplify the process for our customers. However, once you make the switch there is no going back. The switchover requires approximately 5 to 10 minutes of downtime for non-HA servers and approximately 20 minutes of downtime for HA-capable servers. memo: Step-by-step instructions for transitioning your Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from using an integrated VNET to using public access or private link through the Azure portal can be found in the article. Move from private access to public access or private link using the Azure portal. This post provides two bash scripts to switch an Azure Database for MySQL flexible server from VNET integration to public access or private link using the Azure CLI. These bash scripts can be run locally or using: Azure cloud shell. This script allows you to switch from using an integrated VNET to using public access using firewall rules. The default VNET and subnet of the flexible server do not change. The script accepts one firewall rule as input, but you can modify it to add multiple firewall rules if necessary. The script isolates the VNET from the flexible server, enables public access, and then creates firewall rules. #!/bin/bash # # PURPOSE # Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from VNET Integrated to Public Access # # DESCRIPTION # Move from private access (virtual network integrated) to public access # # # PREREQUISITES # Azure CLI ( # # ARGUMENTS # --subscription-id -s [Required] : Subscription ID. # --resource-group-name -g [Required] : Name of resource group. # --server-name -n [Required] : Name of the server. # --rule-name -r [Required] : The name of the firewall rule. The firewall rule name can # only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-' and '_'. Additionally, the name # of the firewall rule must be at least 1 character and no more # than 80 characters in length. # --start-ip-address -a [Required] : The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. # Use value '' to represent all Azure-internal IP addresses. # --end-ip-address -b [Required] : The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format. # Use value '' to represent all Azure-internal IP addresses. # # USAGE # bash # --subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' # --resource-group-name 'mysqlRG' # --server-name 'mysqlflex' # --firewall-rule-name 'allowiprange' # --start-ip-address # --end-ip-address # function usage() { echo "" echo "PURPOSE" echo "Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from VNET Integrated to Public Access" echo "" echo "DESCRIPTION" echo "Move from private access (virtual network integrated) to public access" echo "" echo "" echo "PREREQUISITES" echo "Azure CLI (" echo "" echo "ARGUMENTS" echo " --subscription-id -s [Required] : Subscription ID." echo " --resource-group-name -g [Required] : Name of resource group." echo " --server-name -n [Required] : Name of the server." echo " --rule-name -r [Required] : The name of the firewall rule. The firewall rule name can" echo " only contain 0-9, a-z, A-Z, '-' and '_'. Additionally, the name" echo " of the firewall rule must be at least 1 character and no more" echo " than 80 characters in length." echo " --start-ip-address -a [Required] : The start IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format." echo " Use value '' to represent all Azure-internal IP addresses." echo " --end-ip-address -b [Required] : The end IP address of the firewall rule. Must be IPv4 format." echo " Use value '' to represent all Azure-internal IP addresses." echo "" echo "USAGE" echo "bash" echo -e "\t--subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'" echo -e "\t--resource-group-name 'mysqlRG'" echo -e "\t--server-name 'mysqlflex'" echo -e "\t--firewall-rule-name 'allowiprange'" echo -e "\t--start-ip-address" echo -e "\t--end-ip-address" echo "" exit 1 } PARAMS="" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h | --help) usage exit ;; -s|--subscription-id) SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; -g|--resource-group-name) RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -n|--server-name) SERVER_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -r|--firewall-rule-name) FIREWALL_RULE_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -a|--start-ip-address) START_IP_ADDRESS=$2 shift 2 ;; -b|--end-ip-address) END_IP_ADDRESS=$2 shift 2 ;; --) # end argument parsing shift break ;; -*|--*=) # unsupported flags echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # preserve positional arguments PARAMS="$PARAMS $1" shift ;; esac done # set positional arguments in their proper place eval set -- "$PARAMS" # Ensure required parameters are provided if [ -z "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" ]; then echo "Error: Subscription ID is required" usage fi if [ -z "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Resource Group Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$SERVER_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Server Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$FIREWALL_RULE_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Firewall Rule Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$START_IP_ADDRESS" ]; then echo "Error: Start IP Address is required" usage fi if [ -z "$END_IP_ADDRESS" ]; then echo "Error: End IP Address is required" usage fi # Prerequisites - Install Azure CLI package if ! [ -x "$(command -v az)" ]; then echo 'Error: azure cli is not installed. Please install from' >&2 exit 1 fi # Check if the subscription exists if ! az account list --query "[?id=='$SUBSCRIPTION_ID' || name=='$SUBSCRIPTION_ID'].id" -o tsv | grep -q .; then echo "Subscription '$SUBSCRIPTION_ID' does not exist." exit 1 fi # Set subscription az account set --subscription "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" # Check if the resource group exists if ! az group show --name "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Resource group '$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME' does not exist." exit 1 fi # Check if the MySQL Flexible server exists if ! az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "MySQL Flexible Server '$SERVER_NAME' does not exist in resource group '$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'." exit 1 fi # Ensure server is VNET Integrated DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID=$(az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --query "network.delegatedSubnetResourceId" --output tsv) if [ -z "$DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID" ]; then echo "Error: MySQL Flexible Server is not VNET Integrated" exit 1 fi echo "Detaching VNET from server $SERVER_NAME" az mysql flexible-server detach-vnet --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --public-network-access Enabled --yes echo "Creating Firewall Rule on server $SERVER_NAME" az mysql flexible-server firewall-rule create \ --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \ --name "$SERVER_NAME" \ --rule-name "$FIREWALL_RULE_NAME" \ --start-ip-address "$START_IP_ADDRESS" \ --end-ip-address "$END_IP_ADDRESS" # Verify Firewall Rules echo "Migration Successful !!" echo "Check the firewall rules here :$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/$SERVER_NAME/networking" This script allows you to switch from using an integrated VNET to Private Link. This script detaches the VNET from the flexible server, disables public access, removes all delegations from the subnet, and then creates a private endpoint in the same subnet. Removing delegation from a subnet is a prerequisite to using it to create a private endpoint. Removing subnet delegation may fail if the subnet is still associated with another MySQL Flexible Server. The script also provides the option to access MySQL Flexible Server using the FQDN (e.g. from inside the VNET by integrating with a private DNS zone. #!/bin/bash # # PURPOSE # Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from VNET Integrated to PrivateLink # # DESCRIPTION # Move from private access (virtual network integrated) to PrivateLink # # # PREREQUISITES # Azure CLI ( # # ARGUMENTS # --subscription-id -s [Required] : Subscription ID. # --resource-group-name -g [Required] : Name of resource group. # --server-name -n [Required] : Name of the server. # --private-endpoint-name -r [Required] : Name for the private endpoint. # --integrate-private-dns-zone -z [Optional] : Whether to integrate with a new Private DNS Zone. # # USAGE # bash # --subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff' # --resource-group-name 'mysqlRG' # --server-name 'mysqlflex' # --private-endpoint-name 'mysqlpe' # --integrate-private-dns-zone false # function usage() { echo "" echo "PURPOSE" echo "Migrate Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server from VNET Integrated to PrivateLink" echo "" echo "DESCRIPTION" echo "Move from private access (virtual network integrated) to PrivateLink" echo "" echo "" echo "PREREQUISITES" echo "Azure CLI (" echo "" echo "ARGUMENTS" echo " --subscription-id -s [Required] : Subscription ID." echo " --resource-group-name -g [Required] : Name of resource group." echo " --server-name -n [Required] : Name of the server." echo " --private-endpoint-name -r [Required] : Name for the private endpoint." echo " --integrate-private-dns-zone -z [Optional] : Whether to integrate with a new Private DNS Zone. Defaults to False" echo "" echo "USAGE" echo "bash" echo -e "\t--subscription-id 'ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff'" echo -e "\t--resource-group-name 'mysqlRG'" echo -e "\t--server-name 'mysqlflex'" echo -e "\t--private-endpoint-name 'mysqlpe'" echo -e "\t--integrate-private-dns-zone false" echo "" exit 1 } PARAMS="" while (( "$#" )); do case "$1" in -h| --help) usage exit ;; -s|--subscription-id) SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$2 shift 2 ;; -g|--resource-group-name) RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -n|--server-name) SERVER_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -r|--private-endpoint-name) PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME=$2 shift 2 ;; -z|--integrate-private-dns-zone) INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE=$2 shift 2 ;; --) # end argument parsing shift break ;; -*|--*=) # unsupported flags echo "Error: Unsupported flag $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) # preserve positional arguments PARAMS="$PARAMS $1" shift ;; esac done # set positional arguments in their proper place eval set -- "$PARAMS" # Ensure required parameters are provided if [ -z "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" ]; then echo "Error: Subscription ID is required" usage fi if [ -z "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Resource Group Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$SERVER_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Server Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME" ]; then echo "Error: Private Endpoint Name is required" usage fi if [ -z "$INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE" ]; then INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE=false else if [ "$INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE" != "true" ] && [ "$INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE" != "false" ]; then echo "Error: --integrate-private-dns-zone must be either true or false" usage fi fi # Prerequisites - Install Azure CLI package if ! [ -x "$(command -v az)" ]; then echo 'Error: azure cli is not installed. Please install from' >&2 exit 1 fi # Check if the subscription exists if ! az account list --query "[?id=='$SUBSCRIPTION_ID' || name=='$SUBSCRIPTION_ID'].id" -o tsv | grep -q .; then echo "Subscription '$SUBSCRIPTION_ID' does not exist." exit 1 fi # Set subscription az account set --subscription "$SUBSCRIPTION_ID" # Check if the resource group exists if ! az group show --name "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Resource group '$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME' does not exist." exit 1 fi # Check if the MySQL Flexible server exists if ! az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "MySQL Flexible Server '$SERVER_NAME' does not exist in resource group '$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'." exit 1 fi # Get VNET and subnet details echo "Obtaining Vnet and Subnet details for server $SERVER_NAME" DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID=$(az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --query "network.delegatedSubnetResourceId" --output tsv) # Ensure server is VNET Integrated if [ -z "$DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID" ]; then echo "Error: MySQL Flexible Server is not VNET Integrated" exit 1 fi # Extract VNET and Subnet details VNET_SUB=$(echo $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID | cut -d "" -f 3) VNET_RG=$(echo $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID | cut -d "" -f 5) VNET=$(echo $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID | cut -d "" -f 9) SUBNET=$(echo $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID | cut -d "" -f 11) echo "VNET Subscription ID : $VNET_SUB" echo "VNET Resource Group : $VNET_RG" echo "VNET Name : $VNET" echo "Subnet Name : $SUBNET" echo "Detaching VNET $VNET from server $SERVER_NAME" az mysql flexible-server detach-vnet --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --public-network-access Disabled --yes echo "Removing Delegations on Subnet $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID" az network vnet subnet update --ids "$DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID" --remove delegations MYSQL_FLEX_RESOURCE_ID=$(az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --query "id" --output tsv) MYSQL_FLEX_LOCATION=$(az mysql flexible-server show --resource-group "$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --name "$SERVER_NAME" --query "location" --output tsv) echo "Creating Private Endpoint $PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME using Subnet $DELEGATED_SUBNET_RESOURCE_ID" az network private-endpoint create \ --resource-group "$VNET_RG" \ --vnet-name "$VNET" \ --subnet "$SUBNET" \ --private-connection-resource-id "$MYSQL_FLEX_RESOURCE_ID" \ --group-id mysqlServer \ --connection-name "$PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME" \ --name "$PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME" \ --location "$MYSQL_FLEX_LOCATION" if [ "$INTEGRATE_PRIVATE_DNS_ZONE" == "true" ]; then echo "Creating Private DNS Zone" az network private-dns zone create \ --resource-group "$VNET_RG" \ --name "" echo "Linking Private DNS Zone with VNET $VNET" az network private-dns link vnet create \ --resource-group "$VNET_RG" \ --zone-name "" \ --name "${VNET}Link" \ --virtual-network "$VNET" \ --registration-enabled false echo "Creating Private DNS Zone Group" az network private-endpoint dns-zone-group create \ --resource-group "$VNET_RG" \ --endpoint-name "$PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME" \ --name "${PRIVATE_ENDPOINT_NAME}ZoneGroup" \ --private-dns-zone "" \ --zone-name mysqlServer fi # Verify Private Endpoints echo "Migration Successful !!" echo "Check the private endpoints here :$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers/$SERVER_NAME/networking" Try it out! We encourage you to try out these scripts to help streamline your conversion process. You can download it from the following GitHub repository folder: azure/azure-mysql/script If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know by leaving a comment below or contacting us directly at: Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post ExpressRoute Metro is now generally available!! next post UPDATE: Azure Pass Retirements – Microsoft Community Hub You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.