Home Job Seekers Postdoc position in Quantitative Biology, Basel, Switzerland

Postdoc position in Quantitative Biology, Basel, Switzerland

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Postdoc position in Quantitative Biology: Join our research group at the Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland, and explore the fascinating world of bacterial cells in a non-growing state.

Postdoc position in quantitative biology of non-growing bacteria

Designation: Postdoctoral Fellow
Research area: Quantitative biology of non-growing bacteria
Location: Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland


  • PhD in relevant areas such as Biophysics, quantitative biology, microbiology or evolution.
  • Experience in microscopy and microfluidics is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of programming for data analysis and/or mathematical modeling.

Job description:
As a postdoctoral fellow, you will integrate molecular biology, genetics, light microscopy and microfluidics with advanced data analysis and modelling techniques. The role involves collaborating with theoretical researchers in the lab and tailoring the project to your interests and skills. You will use the latest results from the group to investigate questions related to single-cell heterogeneity during stationary phase, survival mechanisms and evolutionary implications.

Interested applicants please apply online at Application portal for postdoc positions. Send a short personal statement highlighting your qualifications and experience relevant to the role, along with a current CV and the contact details of at least two references. Only online applications via the portal provided will be considered.

Deadline for application: Applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Preference will be given to applicants who can start relatively soon.

This job advertisement contains the key information from the specified website about the open postdoc position in Quantitative Biology of Non-Growing Bacteria at the Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland.


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