Home Job Seekers Faculty Positions – Professor at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India

Faculty Positions – Professor at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Designation/Position- Professor at Mahatma Gandhi University

The Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India, invites applications from suitable and interested candidates for the post of Professor at the Mahatma Gandhi University.

Um- Mahatma Gandhi University is an Indian public university based in Kerala. It was established on Gandhi Jayanti Day, 2 October 1983, in Kottayam district of the state of Kerala. Mahatma Gandhi University is recognized by the UGC and accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India. Professor at Mahatma Gandhi University

Research/Work Area-

Lecturer- Theoretical/Experimental Physics/Organic Chemistry/Polymer Chemistry/Computer Science/Psychology

Associate Professor – Physics/Chemistry

Professor- Physics/Chemistry/Psychology/Computer Science

Further options:

Associate Professor at MGU: Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala

Professorship at MGU-Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala

Location- Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala


Required qualification (authorization):

Good academic record with M.Sc. in Chemistry and Ph.D. in the application area of ​​NMR spectroscopy in structural chemistry/biophysics/structural biology. At least 8 years of post-PhD experience in the field of solution-state NMR spectroscopy.

Desirable qualifications:

The candidate should be able to acquire, process and interpret 1D, 2D and 3D NMR spectra, determine the structure of small molecules and biomolecules from NMR data and have experience in handling and maintaining NMR spectrometers and software such as Topspin, CCPN, etc.

  • Age: No age limit
  • Reservation category: OC-EWS (economically weaker sections)

(In case there are no suitable candidates from the OC-EWS category, candidates from the OC (open competition) will be considered. Therefore, candidates from the OC (open competition) are also eligible to apply for the post.)

Job description-

Qualified candidates can apply online for the post of NMR Lecturer at the level of Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) in the School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

Salary range :As per the requirements for Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A) – Rationalized Starting Salary of Rs. 131,400/-

Candidates have to remit an amount of Rs. 5,000 as application fee. SC/ST candidates have to remit only Rs. 2,500. The fee can be remitted only through online payment. The facility for this is provided in the online application form. A copy of the receipt has to be submitted along with the hard copy of the online application.

    How to apply-

    Qualified candidates must submit their online application through the link provided on the official website of Mahatma Gandhi University. www.facultyrecruitment.mgu.ac.in out of July 26, 2024

    A hard copy of the duly submitted online application along with attested copies of all certificates/documents (self attested) proving qualification, age, community, reservation (if any), experience, NOC, equivalence, etc. should be sent to the address mentioned in Section IV.4 of the notification.

    Applicants should apply online via the website www.facultyrecruitment.mgu.ac.in on or before 20 August 2024. Two printed copies The duly completed online application together with certified copies of all certificates and documents should be submitted to the Office of Deputy Registrar II (Admn.), Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadarsini Hills PO, Kottayam686560 on or before 27.August 2024. Candidates working in Universities/Government/Funded Colleges etc. should submit a clearance certificate from their employer along with the hard copy of the application.

    Applications from teachers working in private higher education institutions covered by the direct payment system shall be forwarded by the Rector to the respective Deputy Director of Higher Education in the respective zone, who shall in turn duly forward the application to the University.

    Candidates who have graduated from Universities/Institutions outside the State of Kerala are required to produce an equivalence certificate from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala.

    Deadline for application– 20 August 2024

    Deadline for submitting the online application: August 20, 2024.

    Deadline for receipt of paper application documents: 27 August 2024.

    See position details-

    Official Website-

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