Experience the Power of Our Expanded Collection of 60+ Realistic Multilingual Voices by info.odysseyx@gmail.com August 15, 2024 written by info.odysseyx@gmail.com August 15, 2024 0 comment 21 views 21 No Voice name Gender Scenario Script+Audio samples 1 en-US-AdamMultilingualNeural A deep, engaging voice that feels warm and inviting Male Conversation Yes, it is a big achievement to be accepted into the Microsoft Startup Programs. The program has specific requirements that startups must meet in order to qualify, so being accepted means that your startup meets those requirements and has been recognized for its potential. Congratulations again! Meditation Breathe in deeply, filling your lungs with peace, and exhale any tension. In this quiet space, acknowledge each thought as it arises and then let it float away. Your breath is a gentle river, carrying away worries, leaving only calm in its wake. Recipe Feel the zest of the tropics! Mix pineapple juice, coconut water, a dash of turmeric, and a squirt of lime. Garnish with a pineapple wedge and a mint sprig. 2 en-US-AmandaMultilingualNeural A bright and clear voice with a youthful energy Female Conversation Winnebago Industries is a company that manufactures motor homes, travel trailers, and other recreational vehicles. Its stock ticker symbol is WGO and it is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Social_media Had the most amazing vegan burger at this new spot downtown – could hardly tell it wasn’t beef! :seedling: It’s awesome to see more sustainable options that are this delicious. Definitely going back for more! #VeganLife #Foodie Story Waves crashed against the lighthouse, where old Captain Grey kept watch. “Will the storm ever end?” he bellowed into the tempest, his voice laced with defiance. The thunder roared back, a deep and powerful sound that promised, “All storms bow to time, and this too shall pass.” 3 en-US-DerekMultilingualNeural A formal, knowledgeable voice that exudes confidence Male Advertisement Step into the future with LuminaTrak sneakers – the fusion of technology and comfort. As you lace up, LED fibers illuminate your path, and the adaptive soles cushion every step. Whether you’re running at dawn or dancing into the night, LuminaTrak keeps you lit, keeps you going, keeps you ahead of the pack. Document narration From the towering forests to the depths of the ocean, witness the harmony that sustains our planet. Journey through time and space, discovering the threads that weave Earth’s magnificent tapestry. Podcast Step into the world of our podcast, where every episode is a gateway to exploration. From interviews with thought leaders to candid conversations, we bring you content that sparks curiosity and resonates with the pulse of today’s ever-changing narratives. 4 en-US-DustinMultilingualNeural A voice good for news and podcasts with a unique timbre Male News Communities worldwide converge in a celebration of cultural diversity through art and heritage. A cultural extravaganza unites global traditions, fostering cross-cultural understanding and promoting dialogue amidst a vibrant display of heritage. Poem Whispering wind, tell me your tale, of distant lands and ships that sail. Through valleys deep and mountains high, your secrets dance beneath the sky. A gentle breeze, a soft caress, your presence fills me with quietness. In your embrace, I find my peace, as you sing to me, your sweet release. Story As Elara wandered into the enchanted forest, ancient trees whispered tales of forgotten realms. “Child of wonder,” they murmured, “listen to the echoes of time.” Intrigued, Elara embraced the mystical symphony of the arboreal voices, a chorus weaving stories that transcended centuries. The forest’s secrets unfolded, revealing a tapestry of magic and ancient wisdom. 5 en-US-LewisMultilingualNeural A confident, formal voice that conveys expertise and authority Male Movie Narration Through enchanted forests and mystical landscapes, they confront mythical creatures and daunting challenges, driven by the belief that their actions will shape the fate of their enchanted world. Story The dusty attic held memories and relics, where Jane uncovered a locked chest. “What’s inside?” she pondered aloud, her hands trembling with anticipation. The echo of the room seemed to tease, with a knowing tone, “Mysteries awaiting your key, and stories awaiting your breath.” News “In a groundbreaking development, a team of international scientists has successfully deployed an artificial reef structure that supports coral growth, offering a new ray of hope for endangered marine life.” 6 en-US-LolaMultilingualNeural A calm and sincere voice with a warm, reassuring tone Female News We start with a look at why our transition to a greener future can mean dealing with the legacy of our past. Fossil fuels like oil and gas have been powering the world for decades, but they often leave behind facilities that continue to pollute long after they have been shut down. Recipe Excitement in a cup! Steep a strong chai tea, blend in a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream, and watch it froth. Sprinkle with cinnamon and star anise for a spicy kick. Story Amelia gazed into a vintage mirror, unlocking a portal to ages past. “Welcome,” whispered a mysterious voice. The mirror carried her through ancient civilizations and futuristic landscapes. “Time’s tapestry is woven with your steps,” echoed the voice. Amelia marveled at the temporal kaleidoscope, realizing the mirror held the magic of traversing history’s boundless corridors. 7 en-US-PhoebeMultilingualNeural A confident and upbeat voice with youthful energy Female E_learning “Coding is not just about writing lines of code; it’s about solving problems and bringing ideas to life. In this module, we’ll learn the basics of programming and start crafting simple software that can do amazing things.” Movie Narration In a pulse-pounding race against time, the line between justice and vengeance blurs. Brace for a cinematic rollercoaster where every choice carries a price, and the city holds its breath. Advertisement Transform your morning ritual with AromaBrew, the smart coffee maker. With just a tap on your phone, it grinds, brews, and pours a perfect cup every time. Its sleek design and artisanal quality bring the coffeehouse into your kitchen. AromaBrew, where every sip is a masterpiece. 8 en-US-SamuelMultilingualNeural An expressive voice that feels warm and sincere Male Social media Sometimes you find art in the most unexpected places. Stumbled upon a street artist who turned a plain wall into a mosaic of color and life. It’s moments like these that remind you of the creativity that surrounds us. #StreetArt #CityLife E_learning The square root of a number is the value that, when multiplied by itself, equals the given number. For example, the square root of twenty-five is five, as five times five equals twenty-five. This mathematical concept is fundamental, applied in fields like geometry, physics, and engineering, providing a basis for understanding numerical relationships and solving equations. Poem In the embrace of bonds so true, a family’s love a vibrant hue. Roots entwined a living tree, a tapestry of kinship, strong and free. Laughter echoes in the shared embrace, a warmth that time cannot erase. Through season storms in sunny weather, family ties, an unbreakable tether. 9 en-US-SerenaMultilingualNeural A mature, formal voice that commands confidence and respect Female Conversation Sure! Here are some possible slogans for a school: “Unlock your potential with us”, “Experience the future of learning with us”, “Join us in #LearningWithoutBorders”, “Discover a new world of learning with us”. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. Conversation – Empathy I’m so sorry to hear about your pet. It’s really hard to face such news. Take time to cherish the moments you have with your pet and consider seeking support from friends, family or pet bereavement groups who can understand your feelings. Speech Ladies and Gentlemen, we gather here in the spirit of growth, not just as individuals but as a collective. Our endeavors are not marked by the heights we reach but by the resilience we demonstrate. Embrace the journey ahead, for it is rich with the promise of untold stories. Meditation Visualize a golden light surrounding you, its warmth healing and soothing. Allow this light to fill you from within, dissolving any darkness, filling every cell with tranquility. You are a beacon of serenity. 10 en-US-SteffanMultilingualNeural A pleasant-sounding voice that can be someone you know Male Audiobook Loki’s answering smirk looks more tired than threatening, and it’s the first time he’s almost-smiled that Tony doesn’t feel like his life is in danger. ” Magic doesn’t work like that. ” ” It did on Thor, ” Tony says, without thinking. E_learning “The world of literature opens doors to new worlds, perspectives, and emotions. Join us as we delve into classic novels, contemporary poems, and everything in between. Words have power, and we’ll learn how to wield them.” Meditation “Find comfort in the stillness, feeling the earth’s energy beneath you. With each inhale, draw in strength and stability; with each exhale, release what no longer serves you. You are grounded, centered, and at peace.” 11 en-US-EvelynMultilingualNeural A youthful voice suite for casual scenarios Female Audiobook “My darling,” said he, “I beg of you, for my sake and for our child’s sake, as well as for your own, that you will never for one instant let that idea enter your mind! There is nothing so dangerous, so fascinating, to a temperament like yours. It is a false and foolish fancy. Can you not trust me as a physician when I tell you so?” Conversation There are so many fascinating topics to choose from – the healing properties of herbs, the cultural significance of traditional remedies, and the potential for modern scientific research. Gaming “By the code that binds me, I shall avenge the fallen and reclaim the glory that was usurped. For every tear shed, steel shall answer, and through the fire of my will, a new dawn shall rise.” 12 es-ES-TristanMultilingualNeural A trustworthy voice to deliver fact and information Male Conversation ¡Menuda sorpresa nos has dado! News La inteligencia artificial sigue integrándose en diversos aspectos de nuestras vidas. Desde asistentes virtuales hasta diagnósticos médicos avanzados, los algoritmos inteligentes están mejorando la adaptabilidad y eficiencia de los sistemas, abriendo nuevas posibilidades en sectores como la salud, las finanzas y más. Recipe Para panqueques livianos, mezcla una taza de harina, dos cucharadas de azúcar, dos huevos y una taza de leche. Déjalo reposar durante 15 minutos y luego vierte la masa en una sartén untada con mantequilla caliente. Cocine por ambos lados hasta que estén dorados y sirva con jarabe de arce. 13 fr-FR-LucienMultilingualNeural A warm, confident voice with a formal touch Male Conversation Je prévois de voyager à New York l’été prochain. Disfluency Alors, tu sais, aujourd’hui, en rentrant chez moi, j’ai trouvé ce paquet devant ma porte, enfin, je ne me souvenais pas avoir commandé quelque chose, tu vois, et euh, je l’ai ouvert, et devine quoi ? C’était un cadeau d’anniversaire en avance de ma tante, enfin, elle a toujours été un peu en avance sur les événements, tu vois, c’était un peu comme si elle avait une machine à remonter le temps personnelle. Oh, et le plus drôle dans tout ça, c’est qu’elle a réussi à choisir quelque chose qui correspondait parfaitement à mes goûts, comme si elle avait une sorte de sixième sens pour les cadeaux. Recipe Pour une touche supplémentaire de douceur, ajoutez un peu de sirop de vanille ou une pincée de cannelle sur le dessus. Asseyez-vous, sirotez et laissez ces vibrations de caféine vous envahir. 14 pt-BR-MacerioMultilingualNeural A clear and confident voice with an upbeat tone Male Conversation Vamos alugar 2 carros para a nossa viagem. Recipe Deixe esfriar um pouco e despeje sobre um copo cheio de gelo. Adicione o leite de sua escolha – seja leite de amêndoa, aveia ou leite de vaca clássico – e mexa bem. Story Era uma vez, em uma floresta tranquila, uma mamãe gata fofa, chamada Lila. Em um dia ensolarado, ela abraçou seu gatinho brincalhão, Milo, à sombra de um velho carvalho. 15 zh-CN-YunxiaoMultilingualNeural Male Conversation “哈哈哈哈哈,所以,所以你想一想,你如果说把你所有的支出打上一个九折,那剩下来百分之十的钱你就可以用作别的东西啦,可以买东西啊,对不对? Story 背后来了两个车两辆车,像天神下凡一样来了,然后我就拼命地招手,我说兄弟兄弟,停停停停,前面过不去了,过不去了,这个时候我在好心地我更让大家不要往前开了,因为我们还要往回倒嘛,他们开得越近,其实我们就越危险。 Disfluency “所以这样的话就会经济越拉越大越来越大,所以是游戏是这样子的,他可能已经喷死你了哈哈哈哈哈哈,哦,你你玩儿的是端游的是吧?啊,其实说实话,吃鸡因为我最近也在玩儿,我现在没事就跟朋友玩儿四排,也是手游吃鸡,其实,我后来发现,这个游戏吧,也不是说你手速多快打得多好,你还是说实话也是要动脑子。” 16 zh-CN-YunfanMultilingualNeural Male Story 于是委屈的雅雅哭着跑回家,站在镜子面前看着自己。才发现自己灰头土脸、脏兮兮的模样真的不太讨喜,于是她跑去找妈妈说:“妈妈,妈妈,我想变得干干净净,我要和小朋友们一起玩耍”。妈妈笑着点点头说:“我的孩子终于长大了!”于是把雅雅放进浴缸里好好清洗一番,一边唱着“ 雅雅洗澡澡,干净真漂亮”。 Disfluency 就我有一次在一个电那个电影儿里面就看到,呃,一个老外吧,还是什么他,他想演他去东北旅游,然后那个东北他那个一一个服务员儿就是直接就跟他拉拉家常,然后问他的,比方说你这你这衣服搁哪儿买的,怎么怎么样,就他就觉得就是是不是有点儿不正常,就为什么要这样。 Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail info.odysseyx@gmail.com previous post Party Leader and Deputy Party Leader – Jamaica next post Just a moment… You may also like New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Amazon moves away to make Alexa smart March 3, 2025 Why Texas is the ideal home for Apple’s AI Data Center February 27, 2025 AdTAC Agency Cheg has sued Google in AI Overviews February 26, 2025 Apple’s iPhone 16-Launch Launch Event: A sign of things coming? 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