Home Job Seekers 04 DRDO Defence Research Fellowship, Jodhpur, India

04 DRDO Defence Research Fellowship, Jodhpur, India

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Designation/Position- Position as a Research Associate at DRDO

DEBEL, Bangalore, India invites suitable and interested candidates to apply for the post of Research Associate in DRDO

Um- Defence Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bangalore, a premier institute of Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), invites applications from Indian nationals for the post of Research Associate (RA). Meritorious, young and motivated researchers who wish to undertake defence related research in frontier areas are encouraged to apply. Selection will be on the basis of screening and interview.

Research/Work Area- Biomedical engineering / electrical engineering / physics / chemistry

Further options:

Teaching assignments in India: Various teaching assignments at leading Indian institutes

Location- DEBEL, Bangalore, India


PhD in Biomedical Engineering/Electronics Engineering. Candidates who have submitted their PhD thesis are also eligible to apply, however, the RA position will be awarded only after the candidate receives the degree or provisional certificate. OR ME/MTech in Biomedical Engineering (Medical Electronics Engineering with 3 years of research or design and development experience in industry/academia, along with at least one research paper in a Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. Desirable:

Research experience in EEG, EMG instrument development, analysis, neuromuscular computational model with AI/ML approach, biomechanical musculoskeletal model and biostatistics.

Age limit: The upper age limit for RA is 35 years on the date of closing of application. The upper age limit may be reduced for candidates belonging to SC/ST and OBC as per the rules of the Government of India. THE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATION is 09 September 2024.

Job description-

Term of office: The RA scholarship is only valid for 2 (two) years.
  • Selection procedure:
    • Qualified candidates will be admitted for interview based on the eligibility criteria.
    • Professional experience in the field is an advantage.

How to apply-

After ensuring that all eligibility requirements are met, candidates should download and complete the attached Application Form in the prescribed format (also available in the News section of the website www.drdo.gov.in). The signed Application Form along with Certificate to prove minimum educational qualification, Matriculation Certificate/Birth Certificate to prove date of birth valid on the closing date, Caste Certificate (if applicable) should be scanned in a single PDF file (File name should be: SUBJECT CODE_YOUR NAME_DATE OF EMAIL) and emailed to hrd.debel.debel@gov.in before the closing date. INCOMPLETE/PARTIALLY COMPLETED APPLICATIONS WILL BE REJECTED.

Applications will be examined by a duly constituted selection committee and shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview as mentioned above. The date will be communicated to shortlisted candidates. Candidates must have a valid identity card until the selection process is completed. Any form of solicitation will result in disqualification of the candidacy.

Deadline for application– 09 September 2024

See positionN Details-

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See also: Motivational letters for PhD, postdoc and other research positions

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