Home NewsX SQL Server がインストールされていないAzure VM において、「Failed to find SQL instance to target」を含むメッセージが記録される

SQL Server がインストールされていないAzure VM において、「Failed to find SQL instance to target」を含むメッセージが記録される

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Hello. This is the SQL Server support team.


SQL Server Instorga is here.Azure VM Welcome toWindows According to the application log in the event log, the following message is recorded in the RU field.


Setting up Microsoft SQL Server IaaS Agent


Failed to find target SQL instance. Skipping removing ‘NT Service\\SQLIaaSExtensionQuery’ from SQL login.

messageOriginal text of

The SQL IaaS Agent provides more information about SQL Server on your Azure VMs every month.

Mata、automatic transfer device conversionが有効化がていどunaに関わracず、弊社の計画mentennansによたて、SQL ServerがinstorrnessれていしれLet’s go on a trip. Look.

したがとて、上述のjobによりazure It was released because SQL Server cannot be installed on a VM.

※There is no set timing for the explanation.

The SQL IaaS Agent enables more automated movement in the Azure portal.

1.Azure Portal This is Nisain.

2.[SQL 仮想マシン] This is a resource page for moving fairy tales.

3. 3.[SQL Server VM の自動登録](Automatic SQL Server VM registration) を選択して、 [SQL Server VM の自動登録](Automatic SQL Server VM Registration) Opens the page.




SQL IaaS Agent can get more information due to automatic movement.

SQL IaaS Agent Self-moving operation


Public security

SQL Server is not installable.azure In VM, there is a record, and it is like a sound.

The long-awaited resolution

本meseiji is to increase the output power of the job.

As soon as you see it, you can see it directly, and you can see it in your mind, and you can go outside from the actual view.

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