Securing Containerized Applications with SSH Tunneling in Azure by September 10, 2024 written by September 10, 2024 0 comment 2 views 2 As cloud engineers and architects embrace containerization, ensuring secure communication has become paramount. Data transfer and access control are important aspects of security to consider. SSH tunneling is a technology that helps achieve secure communication between multiple components of an application or solution. SSH tunneling creates an encrypted channel over an existing SSH connection, allowing secure data transfer between a local machine (SSH client) and a remote server (SSH server). This article shows you how to set up SSH tunneling between containers running in the cloud that need to communicate with downstream resources via an SSH server hosted on a cloud VM. SSH tunneling Before we dive into the implementation, let’s take a quick look at SSH tunneling. SSH tunneling, also known as SSH port forwarding, allows secure communication between two endpoints by creating an encrypted tunnel over an existing SSH connection. This allows data to be securely transferred between the local machine (SSH client) and the remote server (SSH server) through an intermediary channel. Here’s an overview of the different scenarios in which SSH tunneling can be used: 1. Secure remote access to internal services: Organizations have internal services (e.g. databases, internal web applications) that are not exposed to the public Internet for security reasons. SSH tunneling allows employees to securely connect to these internal services from remote locations without exposing the services to the Internet. 2. Bypass Firewall Restrictions: A developer needs to access specific resources behind a company firewall, but the firewall restricts direct access. By setting up an SSH tunnel, the developer can securely pass traffic through the firewall to access the restricted resources. 3. Protecting sensitive data during transmission: Applications need to transfer sensitive data between different components or services, and there is a risk of data interception. SSH tunneling can be used to encrypt data moving between components, keeping it safe while in transit. 4. Securely access remote databases: A developer needs access to a remote database server for maintenance or development purposes, but direct access is not allowed due to security policies. By setting up an SSH tunnel, the developer can securely connect to the remote database server without exposing it to the public Internet. 5. Use insecure protocols safely: Applications communicate between different services using insecure protocols (e.g. FTP, HTTP). Wrapping the insecure protocols in an SSH tunnel secures the communication, protecting the data from being intercepted. 6. Remote Debugging: Developers need to debug applications running on a remote server, but direct access to the debugging port is restricted. SSH tunneling allows developers to securely debug their applications by forwarding the debugging port from the remote server to their local machine. 7. IoT device communication protection: IoT devices need to communicate with a central server, but that communication is vulnerable to interception or tampering. Establishing an SSH tunnel between the IoT device and the central server encrypts and secures the communication, protecting data in transit. 8. Secure file transfer: Files need to be transferred securely between different systems or locations. SSH tunneling allows you to securely transfer files through an encrypted tunnel, ensuring that your data remains confidential and maintains its integrity. 9. Remote Service Access: Users need to securely access services or resources hosted on remote servers. By setting up an SSH tunnel, users can securely access remote services as if they were running locally, protecting data in transit. 10. Protect your web traffic: When accessing a website or web application over an untrusted network, you need to secure your web traffic. SSH tunneling allows you to create a secure connection to a remote server, encrypting your web traffic and protecting it from eavesdropping or interception. script This document implements the following scenario: Architectural Components Myinfrabnet: A virtual network where downstream resources are deployed. nginxVM: A virtual machine running Nginx, a web server, or a reverse proxy within myInfraVNet. It is assigned a private IP address and cannot be accessed directly from the Internet. nginxVM/NSG: Control inbound and outbound traffic with the network security group associated with the nginxVM. MyAppBinet: The virtual network where container apps are deployed. Container app environment: This environment hosts two containerized applications. My Container App: A simple containerized Python application that fetches content from an NGINX server running on a VM and renders it alongside other content. ssh client container app: Another containerized application used to establish secure SSH tunnels to other resources. Container Registry: Stores container images that can be deployed to container apps. VNet Peering: Enables resources in myAppVNet and myInfraVNet to communicate with each other. Essentially, it connects the two VNets, enabling low-latency, high-bandwidth interconnectivity. SSH tunnel: sshclientcontainerapp in myAppVNet establishes an SSH tunnel to the nginxVM in myInfraVNet, enabling secure communication between containerized apps and VMs. Network Security Group (NSG): nginxVM/NSG ensures that only allowed traffic can reach the nginxVM. It is important to configure this NSG correctly to allow SSH traffic from sshclientcontainerapp and restrict unwanted access. Scenario Scripting Based on the scenario described above, we now script the implementation of the architecture. The script creates the necessary resources, configures the SSH tunnel, and deploys the containerized application. Prerequisites Before running the script, make sure you have the following prerequisites: Azure CLI is installed on your local machine. Docker is installed on your local machine. A valid Azure subscription. Basic understanding of Azure Container Apps, Azure Container Registry, and Azure Virtual Networks. Parameters Let’s start by defining the parameters that will be used in the script. These parameters include the resource group name, location, virtual network name, subnet name, VM name, VM image, VM size, SSH key, admin username, admin password, container app environment name, container registry name, container app image name, SSH client container image name, SSH port, and NGINX port. A random string is generated and appended to the resource group name, container app environment name, and container registry name to ensure uniqueness. random=$(echo $RANDOM | tr '[0-9]' '[a-z]') echo "Random:" $random export RESOURCE_GROUP=rg-ssh-$(echo $random) echo "RESOURCE_GROUP:" $RESOURCE_GROUP export LOCATION="australiaeast" export INFRA_VNET_NAME="myInfraVNet" export APP_VNET_NAME="myAppVNet" export INFRA_SUBNET_NAME="mySubnet" export APP_SUBNET_NAME="acaSubnet" export VM_NAME="nginxVM" export VM_IMAGE="Ubuntu2204" export VM_SIZE="Standard_DS1_v2" export VM_KEY=mykey$(echo $random) export ADMIN_USERNAME="azureuser" export ADMIN_PASSWORD="Password123$" # Replace with your actual password export CONTAINER_APPS_ENV=sshacae$(echo $random) export REGISTRY_NAME=sshacr$(echo $random) export REGISTRY_SKU="Basic" export CONTAINER_APP_IMAGE="mycontainerapp:latest" export SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE="sshclientcontainer:latest" export CONTAINER_APP_NAME="mycontainerapp" export SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_APP_NAME="sshclientcontainerapp" export SSH_PORT=22 export NGINX_PORT=80 Create a resource group Create a resource group using: az group create Command. Resource group name and location are passed as parameters. az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION Creating virtual networks and subnets Create two virtual networks. myInfraVNet and myAppVNetBy using az network vnet create Command. Address prefix and subnet prefix are specified for each virtual network. az network vnet subnet update Commands are used to delegate Microsoft.App/environments to myAppVNet Subnet. az network vnet create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $INFRA_VNET_NAME --address-prefix --subnet-name $INFRA_SUBNET_NAME --subnet-prefix az network vnet create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $APP_VNET_NAME --address-prefix --subnet-name $APP_SUBNET_NAME --subnet-prefix az network vnet subnet update --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --vnet-name $APP_VNET_NAME --name $APP_SUBNET_NAME --delegations Microsoft.App/environments Create VNET Peering Create a VNET peering. myInfraVNet and myAppVNet By using az network vnet peering create Command. Two peering connections are created. One is myInfraVNet to myAppVNet And the other one is myAppVNet to myInfraVNet. az network vnet peering create --name VNet1ToVNet2 --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --vnet-name $INFRA_VNET_NAME --remote-vnet $APP_VNET_NAME --allow-vnet-access az network vnet peering create --name VNet2ToVNet1 --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --vnet-name $APP_VNET_NAME --remote-vnet $INFRA_VNET_NAME --allow-vnet-access Create network security groups and rules Create a Network Security Group (NSG). nginxVM By using az network nsg create Command. Two NSG rules are created to allow SSH traffic on port 22 and HTTP traffic on port 80. az network nsg create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name ${VM_NAME}NSG az network nsg rule create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --nsg-name ${VM_NAME}NSG --name AllowSSH --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 1000 --source-address-prefixes '*' --source-port-ranges '*' --destination-address-prefixes '*' --destination-port-ranges $SSH_PORT --access Allow az network nsg rule create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --nsg-name ${VM_NAME}NSG --name AllowHTTP --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 1001 --source-address-prefixes '*' --source-port-ranges '*' --destination-address-prefixes '*' --destination-port-ranges $NGINX_PORT --access Allow Create a network interface To create a network interface for the nginxVM, use: az network nic create Command. NIC is associated with: myInfraVNet and mySubnet And the NSG that was created previously. az network nic create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name ${VM_NAME}NIC --vnet-name $INFRA_VNET_NAME --subnet $INFRA_SUBNET_NAME --network-security-group ${VM_NAME}NSG Create VM Create a virtual machine using: az vm create Command. The VM is created with the specified image, size, administrator username, and password. The previously created NIC is associated with the VM. Make sure you provide a value for the password. ADMIN_PASSWORD variable. az vm create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $VM_NAME --image $VM_IMAGE --size $VM_SIZE --admin-username $ADMIN_USERNAME --admin-password $ADMIN_PASSWORD --nics ${VM_NAME}NIC export VM_PRIVATE_IP=$(az vm show -d -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -n $VM_NAME --query privateIps -o tsv) echo "VM Private IP: $VM_PRIVATE_IP" Generate an SSH key pair and add the public key to the VM. To generate an SSH key pair, use: ssh-keygen Command. The public key is added to the VM using: az vm user update command. # Generate an SSH key pair ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f $VM_KEY -N "" # Add the public key to the VM az vm user update --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $VM_NAME --username $ADMIN_USERNAME --ssh-key-value "$(cat $" # Print success message echo "SSH key pair generated and public key added to VM $VM_NAME" Installing NGINX and SSH Server on a VM Install NGINX and SSH server on your VM using: az vm run-command invoke command. This command runs a shell script on the VM to update package repositories, install NGINX, start the NGINX service, install the SSH server, and start the SSH service. az vm run-command invoke --command-id RunShellScript --name $VM_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --scripts "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y nginx && sudo systemctl start nginx && sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server && sudo systemctl start ssh" Create an Azure Container Registry Create using Azure Container Registry. az acr create A command to save the container image to be deployed to the container app. az acr create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --name $REGISTRY_NAME --sku $REGISTRY_SKU --location $LOCATION --admin-enabled true Log in to Azure Container Registry To log in to Azure Container Registry, use: az acr login command. az acr login --name $REGISTRY_NAME Create a Dockerfile for mycontainerapp. Create a Dockerfile mycontainerappA Dockerfile specifies a base image, a working directory, how to copy files, install packages, expose ports, define environment variables, and run the application. echo " # Use an official Python runtime as a parent image FROM python:3.8-slim # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app COPY . /app # Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txt RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Make port 80 available to the world outside this container EXPOSE 80 # Define environment variable ENV NAME World # Run when the container launches CMD [\"python\", \"\"] " > Dockerfile.mycontainerapp Create a Dockerfile for sshclientcontainer. Create a Dockerfile sshclientcontainerThe Dockerfile specifies the base image, installs the SSH client, copies the SSH keys, sets up the working directory, copies files, exposes ports, and runs the SSH client. echo " # Use an official Ubuntu as a parent image FROM ubuntu:20.04 # Install SSH client RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-client && apt-get install -y curl # Copy SSH key COPY ${VM_KEY} /root/.ssh/${VM_KEY} RUN chmod 600 /root/.ssh/${VM_KEY} # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /app # Copy the current directory contents into the container at /app COPY . /app # Make port 80 available to the world outside this container EXPOSE 80 # Run the SSH client when the container launches CMD [\"bash\", \"-c\", \"ssh -i /root/.ssh/${VM_KEY} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -L ${ADMIN_USERNAME}@${VM_PRIVATE_IP} -N\"] " > Dockerfile.sshclientcontainer Create an app for mycontainerapp Create a simple app that can be hosted on mycontainerapp. This file contains a simple Flask application that fetches content from an NGINX server running on a VM and renders it alongside other content. echo " import requests from flask import Flask, render_template_string app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("") def hello_world(): response = requests.get('http://sshclientcontainerapp:80') html_content = \"\"\" Response Page Response Content - The following response has been received from the NGINX server running on the VM via SSH tunnel {} \"\"\".format(response.text) return render_template_string(html_content) if __name__ == '__main__':"", port=80) " > echo " Flask==2.0.0 Werkzeug==2.2.2 requests==2.25.1 " > requirements.txt Build and push Docker images Build the Docker image. sshclientcontainer and mycontainerapp By using docker build Command. The image is tagged with the Azure Container Registry name and pushed to the registry using: docker push command. # Build the Docker image for sshclientcontainer docker build -t $$SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE -f Dockerfile.sshclientcontainer . # Push the Docker image for sshclientcontainer to Azure Container Registry docker push $$SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE # Build the Docker image for mycontainerapp docker build -t $$CONTAINER_APP_IMAGE -f Dockerfile.mycontainerapp . # Push the Docker image for mycontainerapp to Azure Container Registry docker push $$CONTAINER_APP_IMAGE Creating an Azure Container App Environment To create an Azure Container Apps environment, use: az containerapp env create Command. The environment is associated with the previously created virtual networks and subnets. # Get the subnet ID for the infrastructure subnet export INFRA_SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --vnet-name $APP_VNET_NAME --name $APP_SUBNET_NAME --query id --output tsv) echo $INFRA_SUBNET_ID # Create the Azure Container Apps environment az containerapp env create --name $CONTAINER_APPS_ENV --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION --infrastructure-subnet-resource-id $INFRA_SUBNET_ID Deploying container apps To deploy a container app to an Azure Container Apps environment, use: az containerapp create Command. The container image is pulled from Azure Container Registry, and the container app is configured to use an SSH tunnel for secure communication. Deploy sshclientcontainerapp az acr login --name $REGISTRY_NAME # Deploy sshclientcontainerapp az containerapp create --name $SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_APP_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --environment $CONTAINER_APPS_ENV --image $$SSH_CLIENT_CONTAINER_IMAGE --target-port 80 --ingress 'external' --registry-server $ Deploy mycontainerapp az acr login --name $REGISTRY_NAME az containerapp create --name $CONTAINER_APP_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --environment $CONTAINER_APPS_ENV --image $$CONTAINER_APP_IMAGE --target-port 80 --ingress 'external' --registry-server $ Deployment Testing After deploying your container app, you can test your deployment by accessing its public URL. mycontainerappThe app needs to fetch content from an NGINX server running on the VM via an SSH tunnel and render it alongside other content. Search for public URLs. mycontainerapp: MY_CONTAINER_APP_URL=$(az containerapp show --name $CONTAINER_APP_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query 'properties.configuration.ingress.fqdn' -o tsv) echo "mycontainerapp URL: http://$MY_CONTAINER_APP_URL" Copy and paste the URL you printed in the previous step to open the URL in a web browser. You should see a web page with the response from the NGINX server running on the VM over the SSH tunnel. clean After testing your deployment, you can clean up your resources by deleting the resource group. This will remove all resources created by the script. az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes --no-wait conclusion In this article, we covered how to secure a containerized application using SSH tunneling. We covered the steps to set up the necessary infrastructure, create and deploy a containerized application, and set up an SSH tunnel for secure communication between the containerized app and the VM hosting the NGINX server. Following these steps will ensure that your containerized applications can securely communicate with downstream resources and strengthen the overall security of your cloud-native architecture. For more information about securing containerized applications, see: Azure Container App Documentation. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us at any time. Azure Documentation Or contact Microsoft support. 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