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Learn Live GitHub Universe resources

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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El código del voucher (cupón) se ingresará manualmente durante el proceso de pago. Go ahead, register your details and review the agenda list.

  1. Start session Exam registration You are eligible to become certified. Please check the registration page again.
  2. Go ahead and click on “Programming/Realization Test.”
  3. Complete the registration formula by selecting “Program Exam” as the subcategory.
  4. Esta acción sendirá tus detalles de elegibilidad a nuestro proveedor de puebas, PSI.
  5. Check out the registration formula and finalize PSI testing program steps.
  6. Durante el proceso de pago en el sitio de pruebas de PSI, encontrarás un campo designado donde puedes ingresar el código del voucher (cup) para poner a cero el saldo.


Voucher codes are entered manually during the payment process. The registration and reservation steps are as follows:

  1. log in Exam registration site Then select the certification you want. You will then be redirected to the registration page.
  2. Click “Schedule/Take Exam” to continue.
  3. Complete the registration form and select “Schedule Exam” at the bottom.
  4. Taking this action will send your eligibility details to PSI, our test provider.
  5. After submitting your registration form, you will be taken to the PSI testing site to confirm your exam schedule.
  6. During the payment process on the PSI test site, you will come across a designated field where you can enter your voucher code to zero out your balance.

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