Home NewsX Information Oversharing Template – MGDC for SharePoint

Information Oversharing Template – MGDC for SharePoint

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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1. Security scenario

One of the most common scenarios with Microsoft Graph Data Connect for SharePoint is information oversharing. This security scenario is about knowing what is shared broadly across your tenants and understanding how permissions are enforced at each level.

The primary MGDC datasets for this scenario are SharePoint Site and SharePoint Permissions, as well as several group-related datasets (SharePoint Group, AAD Group Details, AAD Group Owner, and AAD Group Member). If you are unfamiliar with these datasets, you can find details in the schema definition below. https://aka.ms/SharePointDatasets.

2. Information Oversharing Template

To help you use these data sets, the team developed an information oversharing template. These include:

  • set of instructions
  • ARM template
  • Azure Synapse pipeline template
  • Power BI templates
  • Sample Power BI dashboard

Let’s investigate them one by one.

3. Instructions

The template comes with a set of instructions that include details on registering the application, creating a secret, deploying the ARM template, importing the pipeline template, running the pipeline, and creating a Power BI dashboard.

Instructions for each of the above can be found here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2207816.

4. ARM template

Overshare Templates includes Azure Resource Manager templates that help you set up resource groups, Synapse workspaces, Spark pools, storage accounts, and storage permissions. Deploy ARM templates to automatically provision those resources.

You can find more information on how to find and deploy ARM templates in the instructions (see Item 3).

5. Pipeline template

This security scenario includes a pipeline template that you can use to simplify deployment. If you need to create a pipeline in Azure Synapse, you can use the Synapse Gallery to find pipeline templates.



You can find more information about how to create and run a pipeline in the instructions (see topic 3).

6. Power BI template

The final step is to create a set of reports and dashboards using Power BI. There are Power BI templates available in .PBIT file format. This allows you to quickly transform your data into ready-to-use, pre-built dashboards and reports that you can then customize.

You can find more information about how to find and use Power BI templates in our instructions (see item 3). We also provide a Power BI file with some sample data, which you can get from:
https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2211101 (Click the Download button to get the PBIX file).

7. Sample dashboards and reports

Below are sample reports and dashboards included in the Power BI template.









8. Conclusion

I hope this has been a good overview of the information oversharing template. More information about Microsoft Graph Data Connect for SharePoint can be found here: https://aka.ms/SharePointData. Here you can find many details, including a list of available datasets, other common scenarios, and frequently asked questions (FAQs).

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