Increasing business value by integrating SOAP legacy assets with Azure logic Apps and Azure APIM by September 12, 2024 written by September 12, 2024 0 comment 23 views 23 This Blog Post was authored by David Burg, Principal Software Engineer, with contributions of Harold Campos, Principal PM. Business growth, is achieved not only by extending towards more scalable, elastic, and modern, cloud-based solutions but also by preserving existing business value and harnessing it. This translates into leveraging existing key legacy assets. That is where Azure Logic Apps has emerged as a platform for building workflows, orchestrate diverse types of systems, and integrate legacy systems with all generations of services, even Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions. One common scenario is integrating with legacy Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) services, especially for enterprises transitioning from BizTalk Server to Azure Logic Apps. In this guide, we’ll explore how to integrate SOAP services with Azure Logic Apps using Azure API Management (APIM) as a bridge. We’ll walk through the integration setup with a vanilla SOAP service and cover key considerations for customers migrating from BizTalk Server. Why Use Azure API Management (APIM) for SOAP Services? SOAP services are typically older, legacy systems that use XML messaging. This was a natural integration point for BizTalk Server which itself had XML as a native document exchange format. BizTalk Server also supports consuming and publishing SOAP services. While Azure Logic Apps natively supports REST and other modern protocols, SOAP services integration requires additional setup. Conversely, Azure API Management (APIM) provides an efficient way to expose SOAP services as RESTful APIs, enabling seamless interaction between SOAP and Logic Apps. This not only helps you integrate legacy systems but also leverages the management and monitoring capabilities of APIM. What about Logic Apps’ built-in SOAP to REST? Azure Logic Apps provides a built-in WSDL import capability that simplifies the process of connecting to SOAP services by automatically generating a custom connector. While this is a convenient solution for simple SOAP services, there are limitations when dealing with more complex services or when customers need greater control over the integration workflow. Here’s an explanation of why the WSDL import approach may fall short in those scenarios and how using Azure API Management (APIM) with SOAP-to-REST conversion provides more flexibility and scalability. Benefits for Simple Services: Ease of Use: The built-in WSDL import in Logic Apps offers a straightforward way to connect to SOAP services without the need for extensive configuration. The connector is automatically generated from the WSDL file, simplifying the workflow design process. Quick Setup: For simple SOAP services with straightforward operations and data structures, this method reduces setup time by automatically handling the SOAP to REST conversion and generating an API endpoint internally. No Additional Infrastructure: Since the connector is generated directly within Logic Apps, there’s no need to set up or maintain an external service like API Management, making it a lightweight option for basic use cases. Limitations for Complex Services or Customization Needs: Lack of Customization and Control: The WSDL import process generates default REST endpoints based on the SOAP operations, but customers have limited ability to customize these endpoints. When complex transformations, routing rules, or authentication mechanisms are required, the auto-generated connector lacks the flexibility to handle such scenarios. You cannot modify the underlying REST API definitions, policies, or behaviors created by the import tool, which can be problematic if specific logic needs to be applied to the request/response flow or if certain optimizations are necessary for performance. Scaling for Complex Services: In cases where the SOAP service has intricate operations, nested data structures, or requires custom headers and authentication, the auto-generated custom connector may not handle all the nuances effectively. Customers sometime need to apply custom transformations or policies, which the Logic App WSDL import does not allow. As the number of operations and the complexity of the SOAP service grows, the logic within the auto-generated connector becomes harder to maintain or troubleshoot, especially without visibility into or control over the underlying API structure. Lack of Advanced Policies: The built-in Logic Apps connector does not have control for applying policies such as rate limiting, authorization, or custom request handling, which are sometime required for large-scale enterprise applications. API Management offers advanced features such as caching, request/response validation, throttling, and retry policies. These can be essential for scaling integrations or optimizing performance, particularly when integrating with SOAP services that have higher latency or are mission-critical. Preview release: At the time of this writing, the Logic App SOAP custom connector is a preview feature. Preview features aren’t meant for production use. API Management offers production support for its SOAP to REST feature, which has been promoted to Generally Available many years ago. Step-by-Step Guide: Integrating a SOAP Service with Logic Apps via APIM Here’s how to integrate a SOAP service with Azure Logic Apps using APIM. Step 1: Setup an API Management Instance Create an API Management instance in your Azure portal: Navigate to Create a resource from the main menu, search and select API Management in the Marketplace. Fill in the necessary information such as resource group, name, region, and pricing tier (choose based on your needs – all tiers support SOAP to REST). Once provisioned, navigate to your API Management instance. Step 2: Import the SOAP Service into APIM In your APIM instance, go to APIs and select + Add API. Under Create from definition, select WSDL. Import your WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file: In WSDL specification, enter the URL to your SOAP API, or select Select a file to select a local WSDL file. If you do not have a SOAP service to test with, see the links at the bottom of this blog post for a sample SOAP service hosted by Microsoft, and a guide on how to create your own test SOAP service. Under Import method, select SOAP to REST (or SOAP Pass-Through) depending on your needs. SOAP to REST is recommended as it simplifies the service for integration with Logic Apps. APIM will automatically parse the WSDL, creating the necessary API structure and operations. Review the API definitions and adjust the endpoint as necessary. Enter other API settings. You can set the values during creation or configure them later by going to the Settings tab. Step 3: Obtain the REST swagger for the new APIM API Export the Swagger Definition: On the APIs section of your APIM instance, look for the Export option in the context menu (icon …) next to your new API. Choose OpenAPI v2 (JSON) from the available formats. You can then download the Swagger (OpenAPI) specification file, which contains all the REST endpoints and their operations derived from the WSDL import. Alternatively, you can also export the Swagger file programmatically via the APIM REST API or its Az PowerShell cmdlet (see documentation link at the bottom of this article). Step 4a: (Optionally) Import the REST API as Custom connector Note: The advantage of using a custom connector from a Swagger file in Logic Apps, compared to handcrafting HTTP calls, is ease of use and efficiency. Custom connectors automatically generate actions based on the Swagger definition, providing a structured interface with predefined parameters, making it simpler and faster to configure API calls. They also handle authentication, error handling, and data mapping more seamlessly. Additionally, connectors offer better maintainability by centralizing API changes—any updates to the API definition are reflected in the connector without needing to manually adjust individual HTTP actions, reducing errors and ongoing maintenance efforts. Some customers may opt not to use Logic App’s Custom Connector for importing an API definition from Azure API Management (APIM) because custom connectors go through a shared platform component. This shared nature means that the connectors are not kept behind a customer’s private VNET, which could be a concern for those prioritizing network isolation and security. Instead, to maintain control over their network boundaries, such customers might choose to manually craft HTTP calls directly within Logic App actions, bypassing the shared connector infrastructure. Create a Logic Apps Custom Connector from the Azure management portal. This is an Azure resource just like Logic Apps and API Management, and you will find it in the Marketplace as “Logic Apps Custom Connector”. Once the custom connector is created, it is an empty container, and you need to import the API definition. Navigate to the custom connector you have created, and select Edit. Using the OpenAPI specification file from the previous step, select “Upload an OpenAPI file”: After this import, you may need to adjust the authentication type and details for your API based on the security settings you have configured on your API Management instance. E.g. you may have an API Key based authentication and need to provide the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key in the HTTP header. Step 4b: Create a Logic App to Call the REST API Create a new Logic App in the Azure portal: Navigate to Create a resource and select Logic App. You may use either a Consumption Logic App or a Logic App Standard. For the purposes of demonstration and testing, simple production workload easy setup, a Consumption Logic App is available within minutes as a multitenant service and is a pay-as-you-go model. For production scenarios with full control over runtime and performance settings, we recommend Logic App Standard as single-tenant model. Once the Logic App is provisioned, click on Logic App Designer. Add a trigger, such as the Request trigger. Then add an action, which Runtime will depend on how you choose to access the API Management API If you have imported the REST API as a Custom Connector: To add the action, select Runtime “Custom”, select your newly created custom connector, then any action within that custom connector (e.g. GetMostRecentOrder from the sample Fazio SOAP service hosted by Microsoft). Input any required parameters for the SOAP operation converted in a REST action. If you have not imported the REST API as a Custom Connector, you may still call the API directly with an HTTP call: Add an action, select Runtime “In-app”, an HTTP Request or HTTP Action as the trigger or action of the Logic App. Alternatively, consider the HTTP + Swagger Action after posting the API Management download swagger definition to an easily accessible endpoint, such as a Azure storage file. In the HTTP action, configure the request: Set the Method to `POST` (or GET depending on the SOAP action). In the URI, specify the REST endpoint from APIM that maps to the desired SOAP operation. Provide the necessary headers and body payload in JSON format, converted from the SOAP structure. For either approach: Test the Logic App by running it and verifying that the response returns data from your SOAP service. Many SOAP services do not handle exceptions, resulting in 500 Internal Service Error response upon input request parameter validation failure, instead of the 400 Bad Request expected by most modern services. Logic App by default will retry requests failing with 500 HTTP status code. You should consider changing the retry policy of actions calling SOAP to REST endpoints to not retry. Step 5: Monitor and Debug the Integration Monitor the Logic App: In the Logic App run history, you can view the execution flow and detailed logs for each step. This helps debug any issues with the API call. Monitor APIM: Azure API Management provides detailed analytics and monitoring. Use this to track request/response metrics, latency, and errors. Considerations for customers Migrating from BizTalk to Logic Apps BizTalk Server and Azure Logic Apps have different architectures. For customers using BizTalk Server, Azure Logic Apps address their core integration needs, while Azure Integration Services (AIS) such as Azure Service Bus, Azure API Management and other Azure services provide not only modernization capabilities but also a massive value-add. The following illustration depicts a proposed mapping of Azure Logic Apps and AIS product features for BizTalk Server customers. For customers transitioning from BizTalk Server to Azure Logic Apps, especially those using SOAP services, the following factors should be considered: Stateful vs. Stateless Workflows: BizTalk Server persists all messages and most orchestrations, while Logic Apps support both stateful and stateless types. To handle long-running workflows, consider using Logic Apps webhook action, polling action patterns or Durable Functions. You may further use Azure Service Bus (or IBM MQ) queues and the Logic App’s built-in Service Bus connector (or the Logic App’s built-in IBM MQ connector) to implement traditional BizTalk messaging patterns. You may break down complex long-running workflows into smaller, more manageable individual workflows. This can help in reducing the execution time of these individual workflows and improve the overall performance. Message Transformation: BizTalk Server provides built-in capabilities for XML transformations (XSLT) between SOAP messages. In Logic Apps, XML transformations can be achieved using integration accounts or Standard SKU local artifacts to contain maps, and the XSLT transform action. Consider that once you have made the SOAP service available as a REST endpoint to Logic App, the payloads will be in JSON format, not XML. With JSON you can directly assign and pick the tokens in the Logic App Designer. To continue to use XML payloads and transform instead of JSON, you may use the pass-through format of APIM SOAP API import. Custom Pipelines: BizTalk’s custom pipelines are used for pre-and-post message processing. In Azure Logic Apps with API Management SOAP API, these can be mimicked using API Management policies, Logic Apps’ vast choice of workflow actions, Inline Code action or Azure Functions, and custom connectors for custom logic. Orchestrations: Azure Logic Apps handle workflow “orchestrations” differently compared to BizTalk’s orchestration engine. You may need to break down BizTalk orchestrations into smaller, modular workflows in Azure Logic Apps. The Azure Logic Apps service includes the built-in ability to call other Logic App workflows. Performance and Scalability: Azure Logic Apps are built for cloud scalability, but you may need to optimize workflows, especially when integrating with legacy SOAP services, to ensure performance and reliability. For example, Azure Logic Apps implements elastic scaling and can handle large burst workloads, while BizTalk required manual scaling, and advanced capacity planning. This can result in new inbound call pressure on legacy SOAP services, if you do not put concurrency control, sequential execution or adjust for throttling limits on Logic Apps. Conclusion Integrating SOAP services with Azure Logic Apps via API Management offers a smooth path for enterprises to modernize their workflows while retaining the value of their legacy systems. By leveraging APIM to expose SOAP services as RESTful APIs, organizations can integrate these services into cloud-based workflows efficiently. Customers migrating from BizTalk Server should consider the key differences in architecture, Azure Logic Apps and AIS features and ensure proper optimization when designing workflows in Azure Logic Apps. For further reading, refer to the official Microsoft documentation: Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Join us for the Microsoft 365 Copilot: Wave 2 digital event September 16, 8am PST next post Partner Blog | LexisNexis elevates legal work with AI using Copilot for Microsoft 365 You may also like Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Amazon moves away to make Alexa smart March 3, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.