Home NewsX How to Host a WordPress Website on Microsoft Azure: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Host a WordPress Website on Microsoft Azure: Step-by-Step Guide

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Hello, I am Jil-e-Huma, a student ambassador from Pakistan studying Software Engineering.

Are you thinking about using Microsoft Azure to make your WordPress website live? You’ve come to the right place! Azure is a platform that provides a reliable, scalable, and easy-to-use platform for hosting your WordPress site. Whether you’re new to Azure or an expert looking for a quick refresher, this guide will walk you through the process step by step. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Get started with Microsoft Azure

To get started, go to the Microsoft Azure homepage (https://azure.microsoft.com) If you already have an account, log in, otherwise sign up to create an account now.

Step 2: Create a resource

After you log in, you will see a ‘+ Create Resource’ button at the top left of the screen.


Step 3: Select App Service

You will see several resources next to the Cerate Resources button. If you can’t find App Service, don’t worry! Click More Services and type App Services in the search tab to find it.



Step 4: Set up your WordPress website

On the App Services page, there is a Create icon in the top left corner. Click on it and select WordPress under App Service. Then, start setting up your WordPress site hosting.



Step 5: Enter your information

You’re almost done. Fill in the required information, including subscription, resource group, and web app name.

Pro tip:

While naming your web app, you will see a radio button under the Name field. Just turn it off! Why? When turned on, Azure will add a default ID to your domain (a randomly unique combination of numbers and letters), making it look like `example12456f57GJ4.azurewebsites.net`. Turning the radio button off will keep your domain clean and professional, like `example.azurewebsites.net`.


Step 6: Review and Create

After filling in the details, click Next and go through all the steps to provide the information. Finally, click Create and boom! You have a website identity in minutes.

Want to host a coded website?

If you want to host a coded website (not WordPress), choose Storage App instead of App Services. The process is similar, but this option is tailored for non-WordPress sites.

Final Thoughts

Hosting a WordPress website on Azure can be challenging, but with these steps, you can get your site up and running in no time. Azure’s powerful platform ensures that your website is secure, scalable, and always available.

So, what are you waiting for? Get your WordPress website the home it deserves on Azure.

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