Home NewsX Feature Deep Dive: Export for OneDrive Sync Health Reports

Feature Deep Dive: Export for OneDrive Sync Health Reports

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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We’re excited to announce the Public Preview for exporting Sync Health Reports data! This feature allows you to seamlessly integrate with other datasets like Azure Active Directory (AAD), Exchange, and Teams to create actionable insights and automate workflows.

What is the OneDrive Sync Status Report?

When managing the health and data of hundreds or thousands of desktops in your organization, it can be difficult to know whether users are syncing their content to the cloud and whether their data is protected. This is where Sync Health Reports come into play.

that OneDrive Sync Status Report The dashboard provides insight into the health of your organization’s devices, allowing you to proactively maintain your organization’s information and data. These status reports include information about individual devices, such as whether important folders are being backed up, whether there are sync errors, and whether there are any health issues or recommendations that require attention. These insights can help you easily troubleshoot issues and ensure that your users’ files are protected and synced to the cloud.

How does exporting a OneDrive sync status report work?

Data is exported via: Microsoft Graph Data Connect, Enables seamless integration with other datasets. Azure Active Directory (AAD), exchangeand team Data. This integration opens the door to actionable insights and automation that can transform how you manage OneDrive sync health across your organization.

Valuable questions that can be answered using exported data include:

  • How many devices have opted into Known Folder Move (KFM)?
  • Which folders are most often selected for Known Folder Move (KFM)?
  • What are the details of unhealthy devices by OS version?
  • What are the details of unhealthy devices by OneDrive sync client version?
  • Is User X’s device reported as normal?
  • How many devices are experiencing the error?
  • What types of errors make most devices unhealthy?
  • Which device are you seeing this specific error on?
  • What errors are occurring on a specific device?

Benefits at a glance

  • Comprehensive insights and actionable data: Get a comprehensive view of the sync status across all your devices and connect with other data sets to get deep analytics and actionable insights.
  • Enhanced monitoring: Detects spikes in errors, monitors Known Folder Movement (KFM) rollouts, and more.
  • Automation potential: Leverage the power of automation to simplify OneDrive sync state management.

Get started

Ready to dive in? Here’s how to get started with the new OneDrive Sync Health Data Export feature.

  1. Set up the OneDrive sync status dashboard: Configures devices in an organization and reports device status. Learn more.
  2. Microsoft Graph Data Connect settings: Make sure you have the required permissions and settings for Microsoft Graph Data Connect.
  3. Configure Azure Storage Account: Make sure your Azure Storage account is ready to receive data.
  4. Start exporting: Start an export of sync status data using the OneDrive admin center or PowerShell.
  5. Analyze and act: Once your data is in your Azure Storage account, you can analyze it and integrate it with other datasets to gain deeper insights.

Please see the guide for detailed instructions and support. Step-by-step: OneDrive sync status.

We hope this new feature will help you manage your OneDrive sync status more effectively and keep your organization’s data securely synced. As always, we appreciate your feedback and would love to hear how you use this new feature.

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