Home NewsX Export slides as an animated GIF in PowerPoint for iPad

Export slides as an animated GIF in PowerPoint for iPad

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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(Originally posted January 23, 2023 By ~ Ekta Dwivedi)

Hello, Microsoft 365 Insiders! I’m Ekta Dwivedy, a Product Manager on the PowerPoint team. I’m excited to announce that you can now convert your PowerPoint slides or entire presentations to animated GIFs.

Export slides as animated GIFs in PowerPoint for iPad

Many of you have told us that you love the ability to create animated GIFs using different slides in PowerPoint for Windows and PowerPoint for Mac, or to convert existing presentations to animated GIFs while keeping the animations intact.

We’re excited to bring this feature to PowerPoint for iPad.

Export slides as animated GIFsExport slides as animated GIFs

How it works

  1. Open the presentation that contains the content you want to convert to an animated GIF.
  2. Tap file Tap the menu (three dots) in the upper right corner of the ribbon. Create a GIF.

    File menu showing the Create GIF commandFile menu showing the Create GIF command

  3. at Animated GIF In the dialog box, select: quality With your desired settings.

    Animated GIF dialogAnimated GIF dialog

  4. Below Slide rangeSpecifies the slides to use when creating an animated GIF.
  5. Below Time per slide (seconds)Specifies how long each slide will be displayed in an animated GIF.
  6. To make an existing background transparent, turn on: Transparent background toggle.
  7. To create an animated GIF, tap: Send out.

    Export dialog boxExport dialog box

  8. at Send out Preview the animated GIF created in the dialog box.

    Share ButtonShare Button

  9. When you’re ready to share your animated GIF with others, tap: Share Please select the options you want.

    Sharing OptionsSharing Options


This feature is available to Office Insiders running Version 2.70 (Build 23012202) or later.

Features are released over time to ensure everything works smoothly. They are released slowly to a larger number of Insiders, highlighting features you may not have. Sometimes we remove elements based on your feedback to make them even better. This is rare, but we also have the option to completely remove a feature from the product, even if you, as an Insider, had the opportunity to try it out.


If you have any feedback or suggestions, tap your profile picture in PowerPoint on your iPad, then Help & FeedbackAnd tap Tell me what you likeorPlease let me know what could be better.

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