Este Mês no Azure Static Web Apps | 09/2024 by October 25, 2024 written by October 25, 2024 0 comment 14 views 14 Check out the current status by editing the Azure Static Web Apps Comunidade! ⚡ To learn more about Azure Static Web Apps: Caso queira ver seu conteúdo em destaque no próximo mês, compartilhe com a gente! 🌟 Don’t worry too much! Vamos explicar como participar no final deste artigo. 😉 Agracimentos Especiais Gostaríamos de expressar nossa gratidão a todos que contributeíram com seus conteúdos em setembro! 🚀 Agora, vamos meeting interested groups meeting in 2024? Destaques de Conteúdos da Comunidade – Setembro 2024 Vamos has announced some highlights for its upcoming community in 2024! Artigo: Building scalable Azure static web apps to handle high-traffic websites Take the Azure Static Web Apps assessment to see how much traffic your Azure Static Web Apps are getting and what’s important for global assurance. You must manage Meloria of Azure Front Door and CDN infrastructure to complete tasks such as performance compression, caching, and management. We discuss backend scaling and focus on Azure Functions autoscaling. Using Azure Monitor and Application Insights is recommended for Pro Monitor. Planos pagos and recursos avançados são sugeridos para garantir alta qualidade. Take a look at o artigo completo para mais detalhes. Video: Deploy Next.js website to the cloud using Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide This video is an initial step into planning a site ported to Azure Static Web Apps using Next.js. The tutorial walks you through the essentials you need, explains how to configure a repository on GitHub without deploying to Azure, and provides free and fast support. Video: Deploy Blazor websites to the cloud using Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide Neste Guia, Dheeraj Bandaru, Azure Static Web Apps product production, Blazor na nuvem usando Azure Static Web Apps porting site, etc. Watch the video to see the speed, economy, and security benefits of an integrated Angular and React framework. In most cases, you will need to configure your Blazor application, publish GitHub Actions, personalize Azure Functions, and configure your backend. I stopped testing traffic and tried connecting my Dad Banco connection using the CDN. Get help completing the video to learn more. Video: Deploying an Angular website in the cloud using Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide We have a video channel for Microsoft Azure developers, and we’re using Azure Static Web Apps with Angular to start some initial work on a porting site. Learn how to create Angular applications on Azure Public with detailed information and easy security tutorials. Video: Deploying a React website in the cloud using Azure Static Web Apps – Beginner’s Guide Hello Microsoft Azure developers! Our guide to ported sites covers the new responsiveness of Azure Static Web Apps. The tutorial is complete and ready to go, and you can start configuring your React application on Azure public. Article: The Enterprise-Grade Edge According to the document, we’ll see Azure Static Web Apps back on the enterprise-grade Edge, and Azure CDN integration with Azure Front Door will enable fast app management and key configuration for applications globally. Visão Geral do Enterprise-Grade Edge on Enterprise-Grade Edge (23 September 2024): Azure Static Web Apps integrates with enterprise-grade Edge to enable fast app management through Azure Front Door and Azure CDN, enabling key configuration for global applications natively. Character principles: It provides external servers in 118 regions, metropolitan cache in 100 cities, DDoS protection, IPv6 and HTTP/2 support, archive compression, etc. Níveis de Cache: Enterprise-grade Edge allows for caching, DNS, and navigation capabilities from your CDN, and also provides the option to configure cache personalization controls. Configuration options: The way to go is to experience an enterprise-grade edge through the Azure portal (when you need configuration and when you need speed). You may also want to manually control CDN configuration, restrict traffic, and use firewalls. Application web. Considerations and limitations: Do Acarreta custos adicionais repeatedly. Exclusive private private endpoints that can be personalized for 48 hours are not compatible. Artigo: Unleash your passion for Azure Static Web Apps! Compared to Azure Static Web Apps, Stacy Cash integrates with Azure Functions for easy deployment. A notification for online meetings has been issued on 31/2024. com palestras e demonstrações sobre o uso dessa tecnologia, desde introduções básicas até casos de uso avançados. If you’re interested in learning more and are passionate about Azure Static Web Apps, we recommend this app. Article: Quickstart: Building your first static site using the Azure CLI Azure Static Web Apps and Azure CLI make the fastest sites portable and ready to go. A tutorial on prerequisites, different configurations of the surrounding environment, requirements for storage and public applications, how to operate, and how to provide efficiencies for services. Artigo: CI/CD with GitHub Actions for Azure web apps (developer, QA, and production) The article “CI/CD with GitHub Actions in Azure Web Apps (Developer, QA, and Production)” describes the complete CI/CD pipeline for Azure Static Web Apps in GitHub Actions. First, we establish a separate surrounding environment with Desenvolvimento, QA and Produção and ensure an organized and secure deployment process. The ideal application is an automated device to increase efficiency. Artigo: Stop building CRUD APIs and use Data API Builder instead! O artigo “Stop building CRUD APIs and use Data API Builder instead!” At Microsoft, we used Data API Builder (DAB) to simplify API requirements and eliminate the need for manual configuration of CRUD APIs. Automatically setup benefits of DAB include support for multiple servers and automatic management of REST and GraphQL endpoints. Ideally, a sejam is needed to reduce the tempo gas for Dad’s explanations and repetitive progressions. Artigo: Deploying a full-stack Next.js app to an Azure web app via a Bitbucket pipeline Provides details about the process for deploying a full-stack Next.js application to Azure Web App using Bitbucket Pipelines. Use pipelines for automating builds and deployments without tuning Bitbucket or Azure before you begin initial configuration of your project. It is an ideal solution for running Next.js applications on Azure. Artigo: Implementing custom middleware in .NET 8 for Azure Web Apps In the article “Implementing custom middleware in .NET 8 for Azure Web Apps” we’ll look at configuring middleware personalization, which explains the additional features of .NET 8 and their added ability to speed up the process. For more information, see Azure Web Apps Ideal for real-world application middleware with local testing without deployment. Video: How to Host a Website on Microsoft Azure for Free The video explains Microsoft Azure for free on the site and is very useful, as are Azure Static Web Apps. It supports personalization by default, provides SSL for free, and supports continuous integration (CI/CD) and Azure backend features. See the video é uma ótima escolha. Como party? Would you like to play Artigo? Quer ver seu conteúdo em destaque no próximo mês? It’s really simple! Vamos explains participation: Talk about Azure Static Web Apps (Artigo, videos, projects, podcasts). Compare social networks using the hashtag #AzureStaticWebApps. public number Azure Static Web Apps official repository No GitHub, none Discussions. Encontre O Topico Chamado Azure Static Web Apps this month And compare the conteudos through the link. As you know, there is a way to compare Microsoft and its version of TechCommunity! conclusion The forum for the Azure Static Web Apps community is now live, starting in 2024! 🚀 Agradecemos a todos que contributeíram com seus conteúdos e ajudaram a fortalecer essa comunidade incrível! Let’s meet again and again and again! 🌟 Check out Proxima edição! 👋 Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Festival Web next post Unlock Your Future with Microsoft Student Opportunities You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.