Home NewsX Copilot in Forms: Discover new updates for quiz creation

Copilot in Forms: Discover new updates for quiz creation

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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The new semester has just started, and over the past few months we’ve been improving Copilot to add exciting new features to help you create your quizzes. With features like generating detailed answer explanations for each question, rewriting questions, and smart suggestions to fine-tune your quizzes, Copilot is now more powerful than ever. Let’s take a look at how these updates can help you make your quizzes more effective and efficient this semester.

A Copilot for Microsoft 365 license is required to use the following features:

Generate a quiz draft based on prompts/pasted content

You can create a quiz by specifying the intent, such as the quiz topic, audience, and question type. In addition, Copilot can also create a quiz from pasted content, such as paragraphs from a textbook. For example, a middle school teacher can instruct Copilot to create a physics quiz for 9th grade students, or create a quiz by copying and pasting content from a textbook.

Create a quiz draft following the promptsCreate a quiz draft following the prompts

Draft quiz with answer explanations

After the quiz draft is created, if you select “Include answer explanations,” each question will be provided with a detailed explanation that clarifies the reasoning behind the correct answer. You can review the solution for each question and save the draft for use. When creating a math quiz for 9th graders, as shown below, Copilot shows a step-by-step solution that calculates the correct answer.

Step-by-step answer explanationStep-by-step answer explanation

Additional guidelines for refining your draft

You have the flexibility to add/remove questions and further refine your draft by providing Copilot with additional details. For example, if you forgot to include a trigonometry question in your math quiz, you can still ask them to add two questions on that topic.

Additional guidelines for refining your draftAdditional guidelines for refining your draft

Rewrite the question and answer with explanation

After you save your draft for use, if you need to make further changes to the question, choices, or answer descriptions, you can easily rewrite it with the help of Copilot. For example, you can add more details to the answer descriptions to make the question easier or clearer. You can also manually customize the answer descriptions as needed.

Please rewrite your answer descriptionPlease rewrite your answer description

Generate an answer description for a newly created question

If you need to add new questions after adjusting the generated questions, Copilot helps you save time on manual entry by generating explanations for the answers based on the correct answers indicated by the user.

Generate an answer description for a newly created questionGenerate an answer description for a newly created question

Copilot Smart Suggestions
Before sending your quiz, Copilot offers suggestions to improve the quality of your quiz. You can add fun themes to motivate and inspire your students, adjust settings such as time duration and practice mode, and choose the appropriate distribution channel such as sharing via URL or live presentation. With just one click, you can apply these suggestions to create a more engaging and effective quiz.

Pilot Smart SuggestionsPilot Smart Suggestions

Immediate results and explanations of answers for respondents

When respondents submit a quiz, they can immediately see their results and review explanations for their answers to help them understand areas they have mastered or need improvement.

After submission, check the results with the explanation of the answerAfter submission, check the results with the explanation of the answer

We hope you find this new feature useful for your new semester. Learn more Copilot for Microsoft 365 here.

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