Certificación AI-900 (Fundamentos de IA) con Chicas en IA by info.odysseyx@gmail.com October 18, 2024 written by info.odysseyx@gmail.com October 18, 2024 0 comment 24 views 24 La inteligencia Artificial ha llegado para quedarse, ¡y más aún con la revolucionaria IA generativa! Special efforts are made to ensure continuous improvement based on expert knowledge, and Microsoft is starting from the very beginning. AI-900 Certification (Fundamentos de IA) (Chicas en IA). Este programa ofrece una serie de ocho clases en vivo, gratuitas y en español, que se llevarán a cabo del 5 al 28 de noviembre, a la pm 1:00 pm (GMT-6, Ciudad de México). Las sesiones están abiertas para todas las personas que desean aprender sobre inteligencia Artificial. AQUÍ Registration: https://aka.ms/ChicasEnIA/AI900 Get started with our latest program in AI and prepare for the Microsoft AI-900 certification. Nuestro objetivo es empoderarte en el mundo de la inteligencia Artificial y la IA generativa, brindándote formacion sencilla y sin complicaciones. ¿Do you have a list of things you can do to professionally translate your skills into the future? ¡Ven con nosotras y da el prime paso hacia tu certificación AI-900! 👩💻:bulb_bulb: This program was made a reality through collaboration. WoMakers Code, technician woman y apoyado por el comite de Women at Microsoft. El objetivo es capacitar a las mujeres para el mercado tecnológico. Todas nuestras sesiones originated from la zona horaria de base in Ciudad de México. November 5, 1pm Mexico City (GMT-6) Microsoft Azure This is a primer on IA’s Chicas episode, explaining the basic concepts behind the new show. Understand both public, private, and hybrid information, useful information, and service information with IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, and serverless, and use Azure applications together. November 7, 1pm Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental Aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Introduction to AI A recent episode with a general explanation of the basic concepts of IA. Explore Azure AI services and real-world applications. Además, aborda provides integrated solutions to real-world process and solution program problems in IA. November 12, 1 PM Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Visually visible through computers Azure AI Analytics allows the service to explore interpreted images and perform face analysis and object analysis for a variety of applications. Además, demuestra integrates and implements solutions for real projects. November 13, 1 PM Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental Aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Natural Language Processes There is a cuberilla of episodes with the IA Puede Interpreter, and a general analysis of human language. Learn about Azure’s convenient text processing services, voice and natural language, hands-on applications in chatbots, sentiment analysis, and automatic translation. November 19, 1 PM Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental Aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Natural Language Processes There is a cuberilla of episodes with the IA Puede Interpreter, and a general analysis of human language. Learn about Azure’s convenient text processing services, voice and natural language, hands-on applications in chatbots, sentiment analysis, and automatic translation. November 21, 1 PM Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Minería de conocimiento and inteligencia de documentos This episode is included to organize additional IA information and valuable information in the article. Explora técnicas para procesar grandes volúmenes de datos textuales, identificando sponsors and ideas Explore the mysterious content. For reference, you can take advantage of Azure document analysis automation tools, chatbot task management, opinion analysis, and automatic translation tools. November 26, 1pm Mexico City (GMT-6) Fundamental Aspects of Microsoft Azure AI: Artificially Generated Intelligence The IA model’s episodic analysis was created utilizing Azure tools with original content, text, images, and music. November 28, 1pm Mexico City (GMT-6) Azure Fundamentals AI-900 + Cierre del programa exam simulation Simulation can be realized through preliminary testing of themes during the session. Estarán relacionados sobre Conceptos de Nube, Introduction to AI, búsqueda Visual Computer, Procesamiento de lenguaje natural, Mineria de conocimiento e inteligencia de documentos e Inteligencia Artificial generativa. Para aquellos que desean profundizar en la computación en la nube y prepararse para la certificación AI-900 Artificial Intelligence Basicstenemos una ruta de aprendizaje completa disponible en microsoft run. Esta ruta aborda las principal áreas de la certificación, permitiéndote esttudiar de forma ya tu propio ritmo. After completing everything, get your certificate to receive your certificate from LinkedIn. There are new ways to succeed and achieve Conocimientos. Microsoft Learn modules for the AI-900 certification include: Practice for the exam: emotional evaluation: Estas evaluaciones le proporcionarán una infomacion general evaluation, la redacción y la dificultad de las preguntas que probablemente verá en el Examen. You will need to decide on vacancies to see if they are worthwhile, assess your readiness, see if any additional preparation is required and check your potential for exams. Tryout Demo: Aquí is experimental in terms of testing to make it a reality. During the testing period, try interacting with the incorrect interface in a different way before using it. Register and Participate No te pierdas esta increíble opportunidad para seguir aprendiendo y avanzar en tu carrera tecnológica. Yes, a la AI-900 Certification for IA and Chicas Learn about Microsoft’s artificial intelligence and how to use special features for your computer. Esperamos verte en nuestras sessions en vivo y ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos profesionales en el mundo de la tecnología. AQUÍ Registration: https://aka.ms/ChicasEnIA/AI900 Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail info.odysseyx@gmail.com previous post The Judge Group’s AI Transformation with Microsoft 365 Copilot next post What’s new in Microsoft Intune October 2024 You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.