Certificação GitHub e Desenvolvimento Colaborativo by info.odysseyx@gmail.com October 4, 2024 written by info.odysseyx@gmail.com October 4, 2024 0 comment 12 views 12 Durante participates in events at Learn Live GitHub Foundations and provides supporting tools for GitHub’s Achieving Life series and Conqueror Certification. You even need company approval for four training courses to prepare for the GitHub Foundations certificate. Event organizer Cynthia Zanoni explains more about Outubro’s Dias 01 and 22. Para saber mais sobre a série recomendo a leitura do artigo Obtain GitHub Foundations Certificate Visit Geral das Próximas Lives A Cynthia Zanoni, durante o evento, explicou que as life serão divides em 4 episódios, send eles: Primero Episodes: It helps you work on collaborative projects on GitHub. Segundo Episode: Deploy tests using GitHub Actions for pipeline automation. Terceiro episode: There are no projects that use GitHub or use GitHub Advanced Security. Episode 4: Authorization GitHub Copilot, com dicas práticas para ao máximo essa ferramenta approved. Saber mais sobre as próximas live, Cynthia Zanoni durante or evento as datas das próximas live. Mas, hoje o foco será para falar sobre a primeira live que ocorreu no dia 01 de Outubro, a qual foi ministrada pelo daniel laceFor example, ScyllDB’s Developer Advocate and Microsoft MVP Stephanie Shooter Software developer at Carcar and live streamer partner at Twitch. In Vamos, you can modify live versions and issue pull requests, including live versions, along with open source collaboration and use of GitHub features. Introducing GitHub and Desenvolvimento Colaborativo Always, you are broadcasting live, don’t worry, ignore the message, there is no problem with YouTube supporting Microsoft Reactor and supporting the message. Is it on GitHub? Bom, para quem está cameçando, o GitHub é uma platforma essencial para versionamento de codigo and desenvolvimento collaborationativo. Durante knows that live Daniel and Sthefany falaram are instrumental in making it official on GitHub. Também falaram sobre como criar e manter repositórios, entender a estrutura de pasta, e, Principalmente, como fazer contribuições valiosas para projetos que você admira. Objetivos de Afrendizado Durante is live, defines all objects for the plan, and explores them for the duration of the session, including the main topics. Vejamos agora os principais pontos abordados! Overview: Storage Features For reference, I’ll ignore the suggestions for repositories on GitHub and just describe the basic features and how to leverage them for an efficient format for collaborative projects. The forum introduces the basics of repositories, code entities, operating system issues, pull requests, essential topics, and more. Essas funcionalidades allows you to manage your organization and create project plans for collaboration. Segurança e Licenciamento Outro ponto abordado foi a Bordado foi a importância de definir uma licença para o seu projeto, como MIT you GPLque definition como or código pode ser usado por terceiros. Start a discussion about article writing SECURITY.mdque orienta como reporter falhas de segurança de maneira responsável, garantindo que vulnerabilidades sejam tratadas corretamente sem expor o projeto desnecessariamente. Let’s live a live: Repository location: Go to the Zero repository on GitHub. In most cases, additional items are saved. README.md. This document is based on the document and describes the use of the technology, information related to installation, and important information about contributing. Código de Conduta: Sthefany provides valuable information about open source projects, sets standards for projects, and ensures the surrounding environment and products through collaboration. LICENSE: Daniel falou takes licensing for your projects seriously. que definition como o código pode ser utilizado por outras pessoas. Although many different licenses exist, it is important to keep them at the appropriate level for your needs, such as MIT, Apache, GPL, and other external programs. Outro ponto abordado foi a importância de definir uma licença para o seu projeto, como MIT ou GPL, que Definem como o código pode ser usado por terceiros. If you would like to discuss the SECURITY.md document, see if there is a way to respond to the report and check the security issue for the vulnerability. The description of the logo is a description of an important archive of documents. Daniel and Sthefany fizeram show a working demo from their archive on GitHub. More information about the archive README.md, CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md, LICENSE E SECURITY.md entre outros arquivos. Branch: Um Universo Dentro de Outro O que seria um branch? Durante was live, with Daniel and Sthefany explaining the main points of the project, explaining new features, fixing bugs and ensuring quality without interfering with security principles. Isso allowede que você desenvolva novas funcionalidades de forma isolada, testando and validando antes de integrar ao projeto. Drive practical demos of new innovations, without a GitHub branch, modify changes, and request integrations as a project owner. Problem: Suas Ideas Theorem What’s the problem? Durante will be live with Daniel and Sthefany explaining the issues, covering organization configuration and management, bugs, and other issues outside of the project’s activities. We are committed to keeping you informed about your project, along with the progress of our collaboration. OS posts relevant issues to its forums to organize ideas and discuss new features. Durante sees the importance of documenting issues in real time and communicates details about the issues. Além disso, foram Demonstradas as boas práticas de uso das labels Sort your OS issues by category. worm: Problem with code issue document: Para Melhorias in the document A good first issue (para iniciantes): para tarefas mais simples e acessíveis a novos colaboradores As a label, it organizes organizations first and promotes cooperation to advance projects. Of course, you can also walk your partners through the process without publishing to GitHub with a live demo in a coworking space. Do you have any pull requests? Durante live, Daniel and Sthefany asked for an explanation são uma forma de propor mudanças em um projeto, allowedindo que você contribua com código, correções, ou qualquer outra alteração. Essentially, open source collaboration allows project entities to approve integrations and approve approved projects. Os pull request It’s based on collaboration on GitHub projects. Eles allowedem que desenvolvedores proponham mudanças e que estas sejam revisadas antes de serem mescladas no branch principal. Destacou-se como o Feedback deve ser dado de forma construtiva, oferecendo sugestões detalhadas and evitando críticas pessoais. Tips on pull request status appear as “aberto”, “rascunho”, “fechado”, etc. Daniel explained the importance of code reviews through pull requests. Boas Práticas of Versionamento Durante went live with Stephany to check the versions and compare experiments to illustrate the changes he made to the code. If an error occurs, the test may be corrected appropriately, resulting in a few minutes of lost e-commerce results. A rigorous process is needed to ensure that code modifications are rigorously handled and tested against branch entities. Markdown: A simple Marcação language Durante went live, and Daniel and Sthefany gave brief explanations and instructions on writing documents in Markdown. README.md. Demonstrate additional formatting, links, images, document elements, and more using Markdown. README.mdtornando-o mais atraente e informativo para os colaboradores. O Markdown is a tool for creating project documentation and is an essential element of contributing to open source projects. Proximos Passos The Learn Live series has begun. The first episode is a hands-on video about collaborating on GitHub. Get the qualifications you need, get started with experience, participate in open source projects, manage repository organization, and ensure you’re qualified to version and revise your code. No proxy episodes, vamos navigation from GitHub Actions, and continuous deployment by automatically deploying the tests you need to automate your development process. No matter what you do, you can’t miss it. See the details of a series of videos do Learn Live em: https://aka.ms/learn/github Certificate GitHub Foundations In this course, you’ll get free certification for the GitHub Student Developer Pack and the benefits of GitHub Foundations and GitHub Copilot. Essa é uma excelente opportunidade para expansion seus conhecimentos and enriquecer seu currículo. The work material you can reject in Microsoft Learn is a platform that is available for free, including GitHub, Azure, and many other themes. Aproveite essa opportunidade para aprimorar suas habilidades e se preparar para o mercado de trabalho. conclusion Esperamos que tenha gostado do resumo do primeiro episódio de Learn Live GitHub Basics. By connecting to real-world episodes, you can explore GitHub and its capabilities for open source collaboration. E, se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, não hesite em compartilhar nos commentários. Estamos aqui para te ajudar a conquistar suas de aprendizado e desenvolvimento profissional. Enjoy Proxima Live! 😍 Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail info.odysseyx@gmail.com previous post Diving Into Wave 2 Copilot in PowerPoint – Copilot Snacks next post Discover Exciting Quality Engineer Job Opportunities in Chennai with a Client of Freshersworld You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.