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by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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“HTTP Error 500.30 – ASP.NET Core app failed to start” is the most common error when deploying an ASP.NET Core application. This error usually indicates a problem within the application startup process caused by misconfiguration, dependencies, or environment inconsistencies.



If your ASP.NET Core application does not start successfully, you will receive an HTTP 500.30 error. Unlike other HTTP errors that may be related to client-side or application issues, this error indicates that the server was unable to start the application due to a problem during startup. This failure can be caused by misconfiguration of the hosting environment, incorrect settings in the app configuration, or missing dependencies required to run the application.

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Problems can be caused by a variety of factors, so it is important to check all aspects. First, make sure you have the correct ASP.NET Core runtime installed. The ASP.NET Core hosting bundle includes everything you need to run a web or server app. It includes the .NET runtime, the ASP.NET Core runtime, and, if installed on a machine with IIS, also adds the ASP.NET Core IIS module. If you don’t have it installed, download and install the correct hosting bundle from the following link: Download ASP.NET Core 8.0 Runtime (v8.0.8) – Windows Hosting Bundle Installer (microsoft.com) If you are using an older version, use this link to download a list of relevant versions. Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (microsoft.com)

Note: If your hosting bundle was installed before IIS, you will need to repair the bundle installation. After installing IIS, run the hosting bundle installer again.

You should also review the application event log. This can often reveal more specific errors, such as missing configuration files, connection string issues, or runtime errors. To access these logs, go to: event viewer -> Windows logs -> application. Errors that may occur include:


Application startup failed to load here. coreclaw. A CLR worker thread terminated prematurely. This issue typically occurs when the application is built for a 32-bit runtime, but the application pool is set to 64-bit. To resolve this issue, set the “Enable 32-bit applications” option to true. For more information about this setting, see the following article: How to Host 32-Bit Applications on IIS: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide and Deep Dive (microsoft.c…


Also, be careful while publishing your application. Make sure you select the correct configuration (debug/release). Always select “Release” unless you have special debugging needs.


The target framework must match the installed hosting bundle version. Also make sure you select the appropriate target runtime and deployment mode.

Finally, if your ASP.NET Core application relies on dependencies or third-party libraries, make sure those libraries are installed on your server. If your application is 64-bit but has 32-bit dependencies, enable the “Enable 32-bit applications” setting in the application pool.

Other potential causes

load failed corkler This is one of the possible causes of the 500.30 exception. In the context of hosting an ASP.NET Core application on IIS, 500.30 – Startup Failed usually indicates that the application was unable to start properly. There are many other factors that can cause this exception. Some of these are –

Missing or incorrect .NET runtime

The required ASP.NET Core runtime may not be installed on your server. Make sure you have the correct version of the runtime installed. This has already been discussed above.

Application startup error

problem Startup.cs or Program.cs File (e.g. incorrect) composition, middleware problem, dependency injection fail or exception The application may not start.

App configuration error

misconstruction app settings.json or web.config Alternatively, environment-specific settings files may cause startup errors, such as incorrect database connection strings or service configuration errors.

file permissions

Your application may not have sufficient file system permissions to access required directories or files.

Environment variable issue

Missing or incorrectly configured environment variables, e.g. ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Apps may crash or behave unexpectedly during startup.


HTTP Error 500.30 indicates an error in the startup process of your ASP.NET Core application. By investigating standard output logwindow application and system Event log, verification environmentChecking dependence Check the version and composition and tracing The startup process will help you better identify the specific cause of your 500.30 error.

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