Home NewsX Azure CLI docker container base Linux image is now Azure Linux

Azure CLI docker container base Linux image is now Azure Linux

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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Starting with Azure CLI version 2.64.0, the default Linux distribution for Azure CLI is now Azure Linux.

The impact of change

  • The az command is not affected.
  • Shell commands that are specific to Alpine will not work (e.g. apk).
  • The following GitHub actions use new images and may impact scripts that use Alpine-specific commands or components.

Handling changes in GitHub Actions

If you use GitHub Actions, remove Alpine-related commands from `inlineScript` in your azure/cli actions to seamlessly transition to this new image.

Known issues regarding workarounds

We have identified the following issues that may impact your pipeline or script:

  1. Package is missing

ICU Package: Bicep stopped working on azure-cli:latest Docker image (2.64.0) · Issue #29828 · Azure/azure-cli (gi…

Jq: jq command stopped working on azure-cli:latest Docker image (2.64.0) · Issue #29830 · Azure/azure-cl…

way out:

a. Fixed in 2.63.0

- name: Azure CLI script
      uses: azure/cli@v2
        azcliversion: 2.63.0
        inlineScript: |

b. Install the packages manually: tdnf install -y icu, tdnf install –y jq

- name: Azure CLI script
      uses: azure/cli@v2
        azcliversion: 2.64.0
        inlineScript: |
     tdnf install -y icu
     tdnf install –y jq

  1. tdnf not working: `tdnf` not working in GitHub Actions · Issue #29835 · Azure/azure-cli

Sample affected use cases:

      runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      container: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cli
      - name: Cleanup build folder
         run: |
               tdnf install -y zip

way out:

a. Fixed in 2.63.0

- name: Azure CLI script
      uses: azure/cli@v2
        azcliversion: 2.63.0
        inlineScript: |

b. Use azure/cli actions

    - name: Azure CLI script
      uses: azure/cli@v2
        azcliversion: 2.64.0
        inlineScript: |
          tdnf install -y zip

Thank you for your cooperation!

If you are not ready to migrate to Azure Linux yet due to a specific issue, please click the link below to open an issue on GitHub for assistance.

Open an Azure CLI issue

Open an Azure CLI task issue

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