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Aprenda no Learn Live GitHub Foundations

by info.odysseyx@gmail.com
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No Learn Live Series Certificate GitHub Foundations In the seminar, explore the forum for the automated possibilities of GitHub Actions. Automation eliminates errors and focuses on key containers.

A sessão foi conduzida por Pablo LopezMicrosoft’s Cloud Advocates are participating. Renicius PostainiSenior Infrastructure Engineer at ThoughtWorks. We use GitHub Actions and efficient Maneira Codespaces to illustrate and illustrate real-world examples that audiences and participants can use together.

Essa é uma série de Lives was used by GitHub Foundations to provide certificates. With agenda, inscreva-se e participe das próximas sessões!


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Pablo and Renicius describe an automated process through GitHub Actions and GitHub Codespaces navigation, making it easy to configure environments in a new, centralized format.

Ambos fizeram uma introdução sobre as a vantagens de usar essas ferramentas, destacando como elas ajudam a solucionar Problemas comuns enfrentados por desenvolvedores, como a dificuldade de de replicator surroundings and the necessary automatic repetitive tasks. This feature automatically uses flux sources, corrects error manuals and focuses on key vessels for powerful efficiency.

The main goals of the Session Forum:

  • Utilize GitHub Codespaces for efficient management.
  • Write articles on GitHub Copilot.
  • Automatizar processes are available through GitHub Actions.


GitHub Codespace

Code space.png

Uma das maiores dificuldades que muitos desenvolvedores enfrentam é replica ambientes de desenvolvimento em diferentes máquinas.

Como Pablo explicou na live, o famoso “funciona na minha máquina” é um Issues are revisited and evolve over the course of a joint project. O GitHub Codespaces allow us to solve problems that arise in a virtual environment and move in new directions.

At GitHub Codespaces, we’re building an environment around it to help you solve simple problems. If you have a virtual machine installed in your environment, you can utilize device installation to allow device installation, which just requires it to be installed on location.

What is the quality of Codespaces?


O ciclo de vida de um Codespaces are included seguintes etapas principais.

  • 1. Create Codespaces: To get information about the new experience in Codespaces, you need to select an option or configure your repository configuration. The surrounding environment includes auto-configuration and also includes extensions and dependencies.

  • 2. Reconstruct code space: During this period, you may need to reorganize your Codespace, especially if it has implications for your project configuration or dependency configuration (for example, modifying non-arquivo .devcontainer.json). We recommend that you reconfigure your environment as you last configured it.

  • 3. Pausa do codespace: Para Economizar recursos, o Codespace pode ser pausado quando não está em uso. Essa etapa allow trabalho seja salvo, let eo desenvolvedor possa retomar do ponto em que parou sem perder nenhuma alteração.

  • 4. Delete code space (excluding code space): O ciclo de vida termina com a exlusão do Codespace quando ele não é mais necessário. Essa etapa libera os recursos associados and encerra oambiente de forma definitiva.Principais Benefícios do GitHub Codespaces Benefits


Benefits of GitHub Codespaces

Key benefits of GitHub Codespaces include:

  • Surrounding virtual environment: Getting the job done through message organization eliminates compatibility issues and inconsistencies across different machines.

  • Scalable flexibility: Allows CPU and memory to be reused according to the needs of a specific project, ensuring ideal performance as planned.

  • Automatic configuration: Utilize or archive O Codespaces .devcontainer.json The autoscaling configuration is non-configurable and scales with ambient conditions over several minutes of use.

  • Collaboration made simple: Compare Codespaces allows simultaneous access to desenvolvedores, visualization at real-world speeds, and collaboration on format and efficiency.

  • Reduce configuration issues: Evita o famoso The problem is “funciona na minha máquina“, garantindo que todos os membros da equipment tenham acesso ao mesmoambiente, com as mesmas ferramentas e configurações.

GitHub Copilot: Seu Parceiro no Desenvolvimento de Código


Pablo and Renicius’ presentation on GitHub Copilot includes devices for designing devices based on artificial intelligence and improving efficiency.

Several methods are described in GitHub Copilot, including:

  • Suggested inline: O Copilot provides the ability to automatically transcribe voice recordings, dictate without an editor, and incorporate quick suggestions for interrompers or movement flows.

  • Make suggestions in chat: Copilot através de um chat, especially if you’re having trouble, find out more about examples or explanations.

  • Inline chat: Similar ao chat, mas realizado diretamente no contexto do código em que você está trabalhando. Allows you to make specific suggestions or request code sessions from editors.

  • Command Palette: Editor Command Paleta (VS Code) allows access to the features of Copilot de forma rápida eficiente.

  • No comments: If you have a description of your implementation, Copilot will write a comment around it. Isso é útil para economizar tempo tempo locê já tem uma ideia clara do que precisa fazer.

Different forms of interaction provide great flexibility and help you produce your product, allowing you to adapt flexibly to the flow.

Participants explore through an incentive forum. GitHub Student Developer PackYou can use the tool for free on GitHub Copilot.



The second live part is a dedicated feature for pipeline automation leveraging GitHub Actions.

Pablo apresentou um exemplo prático de como criar um work flow Simples que executa uma ação personalizada em resposta a um evento de push. The example includes a history of private repositories and a history of their configuration. work flow.

name: A workflow for my Hello World file
on: push
    name: Hello world action
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
      - uses: ./action-a
          MY_NAME: "Mona"

No exemplo acima, temos um arquivo de configuração de work flow run um job Chamado build em resposta a um evento de push. o job How to run a virtual machine ubuntu-latest I have two methods: actions/checkout@v1 E ./action-a. Primeira Etapa Paz O inspection You can perform repositories, enhance and personalize Segunda execution. action-a com um parametro MY_NAME sure como Mona.

real demo


Renicius fez demonstrates automated applications that cannot be deployed in practice. Azure static web app. Azure Static Web Apps is a service that allows simple APIs and applications in a serverless format, with integrations to automatically deploy to some repository on GitHub or Azure DevOps.

How to isolate and explain the basic principles:

  • 1. Requirements for application evaluation: Renicius started a simple application to construct HTML documents. The most important goal is to be able to quickly implement applications in your distribution.

  • 2. Configure the workflow: How to use YAML (main.yaml)

  • 3. Edit code: In the compilation era, it was realized that errors would occur during deployment and no guarantees would be obtained.

  • 4. Testicular automation: Testing provides additional information about application code verification. What really matters is checking the quality and setup of your code and catching problems in advance.

  • 5. Do not deploy Azure Static Web Apps. For example, in the era of automated deployment without using Azure Static Web Apps, workflows are leveraged with undefined configurations.

Além disso, Renicius used GitHub Codespaces with GitHub Copilot to accelerate environment setup and configure environment settings. Essas ferramentas offers experience in efficient production through combined products.



The live automated functionality provided by GitHub Actions gives you the opportunity to alert yourself to the possibility of your software not being able to run automatically. Pablo and Renicius compare different values ​​in GitHub Codespaces, GitHub Copilot, and GitHub Actions, demonstrating proven tools for product usability and efficiency.

For more information, check out the description of accurate speech in GitHub Actions and Codespaces. Você pode acessar os materiais de apoio da live e cursos gratuitos nos link abaixo e aprender ainda mais:

Learn in real time during live sessions! Vamos Explore Theme can check out the project on GitHub and explore the product through GitHub Copilot.

Reactor page.png

Espero que este resumo da live tenha sido útil para você. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou sugestão, deixe um commentário. Ajudar na sua jornada de aprendizado.

Experiment with GitHub Actions and Codespaces and take your projects to different platforms. Check out the tutorial here and see the actual link.

Enjoy Proxima Live! 😍

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