Adams Bridge: An Accelerator for Post-Quantum Resilient by October 15, 2024 written by October 15, 2024 0 comment 9 views 9 The name Adams Bridge is inspired by the mythical structure that spans the vast gap between two continents. In the realm of cryptography, a similarly large gap exists between classical asymmetric cryptography and quantum elastic cryptography. Azure aims to bridge this gap by developing a fully open-source silicon quantum-resilient crypto accelerator. Adams Bridge Accelerator. The Adams Bridge accelerator will be integrated for the first time. Calitra 2.0It will then be offered as an independent accelerator. This integration makes Caliptra the first open source root of trust with enhanced post-quantum elastic encryption. Algorithms used in classical asymmetric cryptography rely on complex number theory problems, such as integer factorization or the discrete logarithm problem, for security. However, research has shown that a quantum computer with sufficient performance could defeat current asymmetric algorithms. With this in mind, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has been working closely with industry for several years to create new algorithms that are safe from quantum threats. NIST has finalized its quantum-safe algorithm selection and published a publication. FIPS 203 and FIP S204 August 2024. The newly selected post-quantum algorithms differ significantly from existing algorithms, requiring new approaches to the design of digital signature schemes and proof protocols. Hardware device manufacturers and vendors should pay immediate attention to these changes as they impact fundamental hardware security features such as immutable root of trust anchors for both code integrity and hardware identity. Currently, due to the long development times and immutability of hardware, risks to hardware are more significant than to software. Therefore, new hardware design requires immediate action. To accelerate the adoption of these quantum elasticity algorithms and increase the reliability of hardware security, Microsoft is open sourcing the new Adams Bridge Accelerator, which provides hardware acceleration for the NIST-selected quantum elasticity algorithms Dilithium and Kyber. Adams Bridge Accelerator – The Register Transfer Language (RTL) code for the ‘Dilithium component’ is open sourced as a separate crypto accelerator and is also integrated into the Caliptra Root of Trust (RoT), which is already open sourced. Providing RTL for all parts of Adams Bridge makes it easier for industry partners to leverage and saves development time on developing the same functionality. This new open source Caliptra update is scheduled to be available in October 2024. The Adams Bridge Accelerator – Kyber component will be released shortly thereafter. Figure 1 Caliptra subsystem block diagram Caliptra 2.0 – Root of Trust Subsystem Caliptra, an open source silicon root of trust of which Microsoft is a founding member, is already being adopted by leaders in modern AI infrastructure, storage, and network infrastructure. At the OCP Global Summit 2024, This version of Caliptra not only provides quantum resiliency, but also extends the capabilities of Caliptra 1.0 to include a Root of Trust (RoT) for updates and a Root of Trust for recovery. The Caliptra subsystem meets all root of trust requirements of NIST 800-193 and provides a fully transparent root of trust subsystem, eliminating the need for an additional boot controller. For more information about Caliptra and Adams Bridge, visit the Caliptra website. Source link Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail previous post Securing Hardware and Firmware Supply Chains next post Join the Unlocking ROI: Forrester TEI Study Insights on Microsoft 365 Copilot for SMBs webinar You may also like Believe Hyp about Quantum Protection: Report March 11, 2025 Google Jemi is coming to Android Auto but the rollout is hassle March 10, 2025 How the drones are transmitting security on the US southern border March 7, 2025 Remember a uninterrupted tech trailballs: Tom Mitchell March 7, 2025 New HMD X 1 ‘Safe’ Phone: Protection for Parents, Great Factors for Kids March 5, 2025 Opera adds Agent AI to his browser March 4, 2025 Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.